SciLifeLab is a national center for molecular biosciences with focus on health and environmental research. The center combines frontline technical expertise with advanced knowledge of translational medicine and molecular bioscience. SciLifeLab is a national resource hosted by Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. The center also collaborates with several other universities.

Project description
The postdoc will participate in research projects, supervised by Profs. Erik Sonnhammer, Claudia Kutter and other participants in the projects. The goal of the project is to develop and apply gene regulatory network (GRN) inference methods in order to discover new regulatory mechanisms.  The methods will primarily be applied to the repertoire of RNA binding proteins (RBPs). Both in-house and public data from e.g. ENCODE will be used to infer GRNs, and novel regulatory links of particular interest will be validated in the Kutter lab. The methods for network inference will be developed within the Sonnhammer group. The produced networks will be analyzed for regulatory interactions linked to known RBP functions and lncRNA binding, the most important of which will be validated experimentally.

Main responsibilities
The postdoc will be working with programming, data analysis, benchmarking, and modelling, as well as application of the developed methods to experimental data generated by the project.

Qualification requirements
Postdoctoral positions are appointed primarily for purposes of research. Applicants are expected to hold a Swedish doctoral degree or an equivalent degree from another country.

Assessment criteria
The degree should have been completed no more than three years before the deadline for applications. An older degree may be acceptable under special circumstances, which may involve sick leave, parental leave, clinical attachment, elected positions in trade unions, or similar.

The successful candidate should be highly motivated and have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics or related field, and knowledge of molecular biology. Alternatively, an Ph.D. in molecular biology or related field and 2 years of postdoctoral experience in bioinformatics research and programming, documented by scientific publications. Demonstrable familiarity with sequence and molecular data analysis techniques is essential. Excellent skills in computer programming (primarily Matlab, Python, R), UNIX, and knowledge of biological database systems are necessary merits. The candidate need experience in programming, gene expression analysis, statistical data analysis and Knowledge of molecular biology.

Terms of employment
The position involves full-time employment for a maximum of two years, with the possibility of extension under special circumstances. Start date as per agreement.

Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Erik Sonnhammer, Stockholm University,

Union representatives
Ingrid Lander (Saco-S), telephone: +46 708 16 26 64,, Alejandra Pizarro Carrasco (Fackförbundet ST/Lärarförbundet), telephone: +46 8 16 34 89,, and (SEKO).

Apply for the position at Stockholm University's recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline.

Please include the following information with your application

  • Your contact details and personal data
  • Your highest degree
  • Your language skills
  • Contact details for 2–3 references

and, in addition, please include the following documents

  • Cover letter
  • CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list of publications
  • Research proposal (no more than 3 pages) describing:
    – why you are interested in the field/project described in the advertisement
    – why and how you wish to complete the project
    – what makes you suitable for the project in question
  • Copy of PhD diploma
  • Letters of recommendation (no more than 3 files)
  • Publications in support of your application (no more than 3 files).

The instructions for applicants are available at: How to apply for a position.

You are welcome to apply!

Stockholm University contributes to the development of sustainable democratic society through knowledge, enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.

Closing date: 31/05/2021