Postdoctoral researcher or project researcher (single-cell genomics)


We seek a highly talented postdoctoral (or soon to be) researcher to join our single-cell omics core facility at Turku Bioscience Centre. The selected candidate will be working with single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics methods in close collaboration with researchers on the fields of genomics, immunology and bioinformatics. 
The unit houses cutting-edge research equipment and represents a critical resource for the InFLAMES Flagship, a joint effort of University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University aiming at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster which will be globally attractive both for the researchers and business partners. 
Key Responsibilities
• Development of single-cell genomics core facility services
• Supporting researchers in the use of single-cell genomics platforms and pursuing collaborative research projects
• Development of quality control strategies
Essential skills
• PhD (or soon to be) in life sciences or other relevant discipline
• Experience with genomics and molecular biology research methods
• Strong organizational skills
• Strong interpersonal skills, including written and oral communication in English
Ideal skills
• Postdoctoral research experience from a relevant field (optimally up to 6 years after PhD)
• Experience in single-cell genomics and sequencing methods
• Experience in immunology and immune profiling methods
• Experience with command line tools and programming skills in R or python
• Supervisory and project management experience
• Strong scientific publication record, considering career stage
The salary is determined in accordance with the salary system for universities. The salary for a Postdoctoral Researcher is on average 3100-3900 eur/month, depending on qualifications and experience, whereas the salary for a soon to be PhD (meaning project researcher) will be on average 2770-2860 eur/month.
Duration of the contract
The start of employment is negotiable. The position is fixed-term for until the end of 2023 with a possibility for extension. The position is subject to a six-month trial period.
What to do next?
Kindly enclose with your application a CV, degree certificate(s), list of publications, a motivation letter describing your relevant skills and knowledge, and other documents that may influence the filling of position. We are committed to equality and non-discrimination and individuals of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. 
Please submit your application by the online application system latest on 20.3.2022. Kindly use a link to the online application system
For further information please don’t hesitate to contact Tapio Lönnberg taplon(at)
In case you need help with the application process, please turn to HR Specialist Paula Luoma paula.luoma(at) 
Working in Finland 
We also welcome you cordially to our multicultural working community. In case you are arriving in Finland for the first time, we offer you orientation support. 
Please learn more about the culture and the people: 
Working culture 

Doctoral Candidate / Project Researcher (Immunometabolism)


Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, Professor at the Institute of Biomedicine, is looking for a Doctoral Candidate interested in immunometabolism to join her research group at MediCity Research Laboratory for a fixed-term position until the end of 2024. The successful applicant is expected to begin the work as soon as possible, but starting date is negotiable.

Research group is part of the University of Turku Research Flagship InFLAMES: Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System, funded by the Academy of Finland. The Flagship organizes doctoral training for the doctoral candidates of InFLAMES-affiliated research groups focusing on the fields of immunology, immunology-based drug development and/or diagnostics. For more information, please visit the University of Turku webpage of the InFLAMES doctoral module.

Research project

Chronic inflammatory diseases are the most significant causes of death worldwide, and considered by WHO to be the greatest threat to human health. Three of five people die due to chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. In addition, arthritis, joint diseases, SLE, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), multiple sclerosis (MS), obesity, type 2 diabetes as well as allergies are major causes of human suffering leading to decrease in the quality of life and inability to work. These diseases are driven by an overactivated immune system, which leads to chronic inflammation and tissue destruction.

Research project lead by Professor Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér focuses on immunometabolism and deals with mechanistic studies aiming to understand how changes in cellular metabolism alter immune cell functions with a long term goal to identify new prevention and treatment strategies for chronic inflammatory diseases. This new and exciting research field, immunometabolism, has in recent years provided new insights into how TCA cycle metabolites act as signaling molecules to control immune cell effector functions and how the TCA cycle is repurposed to produce inflammatory cytokines. These metabolic alterations are often referred to as the Warburg effect, which describes the metabolic changes that are observed in M1 type macrophages, dendritic cells and proliferating T cells, and interlink nutrition to the activation of immune functions.

The Warburg effect, first described in cancer cells, appears to be essential to life, by representing an alternative mode of energy production needed in cells dividing fast, or in immune cells for the production of inflammatory cytokines. Slowly replicating viruses have taken an advantage of the Warburg effect to obtain an optimal cellular environment for virus replication. Therefore, studying the viral effects on cellular metabolism can lead to a new understanding about the key mechanisms that control the Warburg effect and downstream immune functions.

Doctoral Candidate will study how cytomegalovirus induces mitochondrial changes and the Warburg effect. The identified altered signaling pathways will be targeted by drugs and new knowledge will be implemented to control the activation of macrophages, dendritic cells and T cells. Understanding the basic metabolic mechanisms that control immune functions in greater depth, could lead to the development of new prevention and treatment strategies for chronic inflammatory diseases.


A person selected for the post of Doctoral Candidate is required to have a higher university degree in immunology, biomedicine, or other relevant discipline. The degree must be completed by the end of the application period. Research experience in immunology/virology or metabolic research and adequate practical familiarity with relevant research methods, or motivation and interest to learn are required. The candidate should be highly motivated to aim at PhD, have good communication skills, and the ability to work productively in a team of international researchers. Fluency in English is a requirement.

The qualification requirements of the position are available on the University of Turku Rules of Procedure. In case the selected candidate does not yet have the right to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku, the title of Project researcher will be used at first, and the study right for a doctoral degree should be applied in the next possible call: University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) and Doctoral Programmes.


The salary offered is determined in accordance with the university salary system for teaching and research personnel. For a doctoral candidate/project researcher, the salary is at levels 2-4 on the job demands chart, where the task-specific salary component is approx. 2 078,27 - 2 591,28 euro per month. In addition, a personal work performance component will be paid. The personal performance component is a 6% – 50% of the task-specific base salary.

A six (6) month trial period applies to the positions.

What to do next

Applications must be submitted on 22 March 2022 at the latest (23.59.59 Finnish time) via the University of Turku electronic application form at The link to the electronic application form is located at the beginning of the announcement (Apply for the job).

In your application, please include

  • a personal statement or motivation letter containing a description of your scientific background and research interests (max. 2 pages)
  • a CV (max. 2 pages)
  • degree certificates
  • a list of publications (if applicable)

For further information about the position, please contact please contact Professor Cecilia Söderberg Nauclér,

Regarding the recruitment process, please contact HR Specialist Kristiina Nuutila,, Tel. +358 503135224

Read more about the University of Turku as an employer on Come work with us!

Turku is the 6th biggest city in Finland with >20.000 students located at the unique Archipelago Sea in western Finland. The city hosts plenty of free time activities. Please visit City of Turku additional information.

Learn more about the Finnish culture and people:

Postdoctoral Researcher / Senior Researcher (immunometabolism)


Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, Professor at the Institute of Biomedicine, is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher/Senior Researcher interested in immunometabolism to join her research group at MediCity Research Laboratory for a fixed-term position until the end of 2024. The successful applicant is expected to begin the work as soon as possible, but starting date is negotiable.

The research group is part of the University of Turku Research Flagship InFLAMES: Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System, funded by the Academy of Finland.

Research project

Chronic inflammatory diseases are the most significant causes of death worldwide, and considered by WHO to be the greatest threat to human health. Three of five people die due to chronic inflammatory diseases like stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. In addition, arthritis, joint diseases, SLE, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), multiple sclerosis (MS), obesity and type 2 diabetes as well as allergies are major causes of human suffering leading to decrease in the quality of life and inability to work. These diseases are driven by an overactivated immune system, which leads to chronic inflammation and tissue destruction.

Research project lead by Professor Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér focuses on immunometabolism and deals with mechanistic studies aiming to understand how changes in cellular metabolism alter immune cell functions with a long term goal to identify new prevention and treatment strategies for chronic inflammatory diseases. Immunometabolism is a rapidly developing research field based on the new understanding that TCA cycle metabolites act as signaling molecules to control the cellular differentiation and immune functions. The project aims to define the cellular activation signals that trigger metabolic rewiring to the Warburg effect, and how this controls the activation of immune cells and cellular fate via epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Slowly replicating viruses have taken an advantage of the Warburg effect to obtain an optimal cellular environment for virus replication. Therefore, studying the viral effects on cellular metabolism can lead to a new understanding about key mechanisms that control the Warburg effect and downstream immune functions and hence identification of new prevention and treatment strategies for chronic inflammatory diseases.

As part of the project, Postdoctoral Researcher/Senior Researcher will conduct studies utilizing cell and molecular biology techniques as well as virology approaches, and methods assessing mitochondrial dynamics and metabolic changes in T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages to identify key signaling pathways that lead to metabolic rewiring to the Warburg effect and downstream control of immune functions. Activity in applying for external research funding is also expected.


The successful candidate should hold a PhD in medicine, life sciences or other relevant discipline, and have a strong background in virology, cell or molecular biology, epigenetics, immunology or metabolic research (incl. relevant methodology), of which the latter two abilities have the highest priority for the position.

In addition to the ability to do independent scientific work, outstanding potential and established excellence in research, and strong organizational skills and interpersonal skills, including written and oral communication in English are essential.

Particular attention will be paid to international research experience of the applicant. Other academic achievements in addition to the doctoral degree are also valued.

The qualification requirements of the position are available on the University of Turku Rules of Procedure.


The salary offered is determined in accordance with the University salary system for teaching and research personnel. The salary is at levels 5-6 on the job demands chart, where the task specific salary component is 3000,49-3498,98 € per month. In addition a personal work performance component will be paid. The personal performance component is 6% - 50% of the task-specific base salary.

A six (6) month trial period applies to the positions.

What to do next

Applications must be submitted on 22 March 2022 at the latest (23.59.59 Finnish time) via the University of Turku electronic application form at The link to the electronic application form is located at the beginning of the announcement (Apply for the job).

In your application, please include

  • a personal statement or motivation letter containing a description of your scientific background and how this relates to immunometabolic research (max. 2 pages)
  • a CV (max. 2 pages)
  • degree certificates
  • a list of publications with impact factors

For further information about the position, please contact Professor Cecilia Söderberg Nauclér, or the Director of the InFLAMES Flagship, Professor Sirpa Jalkanen,

Regarding the recruitment process, please contact HR Specialist Kristiina Nuutila,, Tel. +358 503135224

Read more about the University of Turku as an employer on Come work with us!

Turku is the 6th biggest city in Finland with >20.000 students located at the unique Archipelago Sea in western Finland. Please visit City of Turku additional information.

Learn more about the Finnish culture and people:

The University of Turku is a responsible employer and educator and follows The Equality Plan of the University of Turku approved by the University Board. The European Commission has awarded the University of Turku the right to use the HR Excellence in Research logo. The logo is a token of the University's commitment to continuous development of the position and working conditions of researchers according to the guidelines set forth in the European Charter for Researchers.


Postdoctoral Researcher in Law


The University of Turku is a world-class multidisciplinary research university which offers interesting challenges and a unique vantage point to national and international research and education.

THE FACULTY OF LAW, UNIVERSITY OF TURKU INVITES applications for 1–2 positions of Fixed-Term Postdoctoral Researchers in Law

The Faculty of Law is a modern research and educational community. It is an encouraging and innovative academic community in which the interaction between students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff is easy and uncomplicated. The production of the new research information and the training of the new experts are core tasks of the Faculty. See more information

Job description

The main responsibility of a Postdoctoral Researcher is to conduct independent scientific research. In addition, a Postdoctoral Researcher’s responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate level teaching, educational planning and other duties related to teaching. Postdoctoral Researcher participates in research fund-raising and the implementation of research projects.

The purpose of the positions of Postdoctoral Researcher in Law is to build the competence of fresh Doctors of Law, or Doctors who hold a doctorate within another relevant field, as professional researcher. Person selected for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher shall have an appropriate doctoral degree, successfully completed by the end of the application period, but no more than five (5) years having passed since the completion of the degree. While counting the five-year period, maternity/paternal leaves and military service will not be taken into account.

The positions are not bound to subjects or subject groups. This application round covers all branches of law.


A person selected for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher is required to have a doctoral degree, the ability for independent scientific research and the teaching competence necessary for the task. The qualification requirements of the position are described in the rules of procedure of the University of Turku.

In the selection of Postdoctoral Researcher the personal research plan is taken into account. It may be personal or a plan of a wider research project of the applicant. The recruitment emphasizes the association of the research plan and applicant's research with the research conducted in the Faculty, his or her ability to support and strengthen it, his or her ability to establish novel and developable research areas as well as produce high-quality peer-reviewed publications. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the network brought along by the applicant, research funding, internationality as well as the societal impact of the research. The educational needs of the Faculty will be taken into account in the selection.

We offer

We offer you responsible and interesting tasks and the opportunity to develop your expertise in a versatile operating environment. We take care of your well-being at work and the functionality of your everyday life, for example through our well-being services. Read more about us as an employer: Come work with us!


The salary is in accordance with the University salary system for teaching and research personnel, levels 5-6, where the position-specific salary component is 3 000,49–3 498,98 euros per month. In addition, a personal work performance component will be paid. The personal work performance component is 6– 50% of the task specific salary component.

Trial period

The post is subject to a six month trial period.

How to apply

The application should include

1) a curriculum vitae in accordance with Faculty practice:

2) an academic portfolio in accordance with the guidelines of the University of Turku:

3) a list of publications in accordance with the guidelines of the Faculty of Law:

4) a research plan, which can be either personal or project-related with a maximum length of 10 pages

5) motivation letter

6) copie(s) of degree certificate(s) (if degree(s) are not completed at the University of Turku)

7) other documents related to the applicant’s competence and qualifications.

Applications must be submitted by through the online application system on March 24, 2022 (23:59) at latest. The link to the online application system is in the beginning of this Call for Application (”Apply for the job”).

Further information

Further information may be obtained from Dean Anne Kumpula anne.kumpula(a) For practical matters concerning the application process and electronic application system, please contact Head of Faculty Administration, nokake (at)

Working in Finland

The university offers good support and orientation for international hires. Please learn more about the culture and people:

Research assistant to nanoplastics-research project (Master thesis project)


The Biodiversity Unit is looking for a research assistant to develop methods to find nanosized plastic trash from water samples. University of Turku already has a strong tradition in measuring the amounts and type of microplastic from our waters. Now we are expanding our skills to go even smaller: from microplastics down to nanoplastics. You can watch a video from our research here (in Finnish only)

The selected person will work in a project where we test different methods to extract nanoplastics from water samples, and then identify and quantify them. The identification and quantification are done using Raman and/or electron microscope. The final tasks will be matched with the applicant’s skills and preferences. Research assistant´s tasks are required to be connected to a master's thesis work.

We are looking for a person who would be interested in the topic and who would have passed suitable studies that give enough background for the task (for example studies from materials chemistry or materials physics). In addition, the applicant should have good collaboration and communication skills because the work will be performed in cooperation with the Biodiversity Unit, the applicant’s department, and with the Department of Geography and geology. The supervisors from the Biodiversity Unit will be doctoral researcher Arto Hiltunen and professor Jari Hänninen. The third supervisor will be from the applicant’s department.

The employment period will be 6 months and starts as agreed in April or May and the salary is 2003,07€/month. There is a trial period of one month.

The application should be submitted no later than Monday 28.3.2022 (23:59) at the University's electronic recruitment system at  A link to the application form can be found at the beginning of this notice (‘Apply for the job’).

The application should be accompanied by a CV, degree certificate or/and study transcript, and a motivation letter.

The University is committed to promoting non-discrimination, equality and diversity in our community. All interested applicants, regardless of their background, are encouraged to apply.

For further information on the position, please contact arto.hiltunen(at)


PhD positions in physics-driven machine learning and quantum computing


We are looking for highly motivated candidates who are excited about physics-driven machine learning or quantum computing, and who can contribute to developing various kinds of AI-assisted frameworks and tools. Potential projects include:

  • Physics-driven machine learning which combines physical models (e.g. differential equations) with neural network and Gaussian process models. Applications include meteorological forecasting, industrial processes, and various AI systems.

  • Development of fast distributed and parallel computing methods for machine learning, state-estimation, and control. Applications include tracking systems, model predictive control, and health technology.

  • Development of quantum machine learning algorithms (e.g. quantum Gaussian processes) in collaboration with VTT’s quantum computing experts who are developing quantum computer hardware.


Research group

The position is available in the growing Sensor Informatics and Medical Technology (Sensori-informatiikka ja lääketieteellinen tekniikka) research group. We aim to carry out original high-quality research and continuously publish in top journals and conferences of the field. We have an extensive international collaboration network, which will facilitate the mobility of our researchers to leading research groups abroad, and vice versa. Our group is located at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation at Aalto University in Espoo. It is also affiliated with the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI).


Number of PhD positions: 1-2

Supervisor: Prof. Simo Särkkä (



  • At least M.Sc. in physics, mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science, or related field

  • Knowledge in statistical inference, Bayesian filtering and smoothing, machine learning, or physics

  • Proficient in programming languages used in scientific computing, such as, Python, Matlab, or Julia

  • Fluency in English

  • Academic publication and presentation skills are appreciated


As a person, we hope that you are:

  • An enthusiastic technical writer

  • Proactive 

  • Comfortable in working in multi-disciplinary and international teams

  • Eager to learn

  • A team player


You are requested to achieve your PhD degree within approximately 4 years by gaining a sufficient number of course credits based on the requirements of Aalto University and publishing a number of publications in reputable forums. You should also help your supervisor in teaching and mentoring, as well as assisting the team routine work, project applications and academic services, especially after finishing course study. You are expected to be highly motivated in pursuing your academic degree.

In this position you are expected to apply the study right for doctoral studies in Aalto University. Please check the student information and application criteria. In particular, please pay attention to mandatory skill level in English.

Salary information

The expected starting salary for a doctoral candidate is approximately 2500 € per month, and the salary will increase with responsibilities and performance over time. In addition to the salary, the contract includes occupational health benefits, and Finland has a comprehensive social security system.


The annual total workload of teaching staff at Aalto University is 1 612 hours. The position is located at the Aalto University Otaniemi campus which can be easily reached by the metro train.


Ready to apply?

Please submit your application through our recruiting system using "Apply now!" link below. Please be prepared to add the following attachments:

  • Motivation letter describing why you want to work with us (e.g. which publications you liked)

  • CV (please highlight any open source, publications, or other projects that are relevant)

  • Transcripts of studies

  • Recommendation letter(s) if you have any

Application period closes 31 March 2022, but we will start reviewing candidates immediately. Applications will be considered until the position(s) are filled.


More information

If you wish to hear more about the position, please contact Prof. Simo Särkkä (, email: Regarding the application process and practical arrangements, please contact HR Coordinator Camilla Hanganpää (


About Aalto University and Finland

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 12 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 000 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland.

We believe that people from diverse backgrounds can together reach the best results. Diversity is part of who we are. Over 40% of our academic faculty come from outside Finland. We warmly encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply, as we want to ensure the continued diversity and inclusiveness of our community. Aalto is committed to equal and transparent recruitment procedures. 

Gender equality, flexibility and low hierarchy are at the core of our Nordic working environment. Professional ambitions can be combined with a fulfilling personal life. As a living and work environment, Finland consistently ranks high in quality-of-life and was just listed again as the happiest country in the world.


Master’s Thesis Position: Development of control system software for a very low field MRI system


Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Electromagnetics in health technologies group, is looking for a Master thesis worker in the topic described below. 

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the best ways of examining body tissue and obtaining information about injuries and illnesses. However, MRI scanners are typically large, heavy, and very expensive devices. In the accessible MRI (AMRI) project of Aalto University, a new type of MRI technology is developed, which enables lighter, cheaper, and more mobile solutions for future imaging applications.
The first prototype device of the AMRI project is currently being built and testing of its subsystems has commenced. The prototype is a low-field MRI device which is based on permanent magnets. To acquire magnetic resonance images, particular settings of pulse sequences are used. These sequences include radio frequency pulses to excite nuclear spins and gradient field pulses for spatial information encoding.

In this MSc thesis, the tasks of the candidate are: 
1) to develop and test a data acquisition system for MRI signals, based on NI PXI digital oscilloscopes and LabVIEW software,
2) to integrate the data acquisition system with the generation of waveforms for the RF excitation and gradient coils with a programmable arbitrary waveform generator (Zurich Instrument HDAWG) controlled with LabOne/LabVIEW software,
3) to develop an interface to control the imaging parameters and to transfer MRI algorithms from other software (e.g. MATLAB) to the system,
4) to design test sequences for the device, e.g., to measure magnetic field strength and to control and tune the biasing and shimming coils of the MRI device, and
5) to test the complete system with MRI sequences.

●    Only students of Aalto University can apply
●    We expect that the candidate has good LabVIEW and MATLAB skills    
●    Knowledge in MRI and electronic measurements are considered as advantages.

The earliest start date is March 1, 2022, and the duration of the work is six months.

How to apply
Please submit your application through our recruiting system and include the following documents in English in a single pdf document; cover letter, CV and transcript of study records.

The deadline for applications is March 31, 2022.

Please note: Aalto University’s employees and visitors should apply for the position via our internal system Workday -> find jobs (not external webpage of open positions) by using their existing Workday user account.

For more information, please contact Professor Ilkka Laakso ( or Dr Janne Holma (


Postdoctoral Researcher (Civil Engineering/Architecture) in New Technologies


Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 12 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 000 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland.

We believe that people from diverse backgrounds can together reach the best results. Diversity is part of who we are. Over 40% of our academic faculty come from outside Finland. We warmly encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply, as we want to ensure the continued diversity and inclusiveness of our community. Aalto is committed to equal and transparent recruitment procedures. 

At Aalto, high-quality research, art, education and entrepreneurship are promoted hand in hand. Disciplinary excellence is combined with multidisciplinary activities, engaging both students and the local innovation ecosystem. Our main campus is quickly transforming into an open collaboration hub that encourages encounters between students, researchers, industry, startups and other partners. Aalto University was founded in 2010 as three leading Finnish universities, Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki School of Economics and the University of Art and Design Helsinki, were merged to strengthen Finland’s innovative capability.

Aalto University, invites applications for a
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER (Civil Engineering/Architecture) in New Technologies

The Department of Civil Engineering, seeks highly qualified and motivated individuals from the field of Civil Engineering and/or Architecture with enthusiastic attitude towards multidisciplinary, high-quality research in new technologies to join us as a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher for a period of 2 years.

The open position is to strengthen and complement the department´s present process of extending existing infrastructure and testing facilities to a full cyber-physical lab with the aim of increasing the level and extent of digitalization, digital processes and new technologies, and in close collaboration with the professorship of Structures and Architecture. The cyber-physical lab that can be seen as both, a facilitator of research as bidirectional process between the physical and the virtual, or a subject of research by exploring new relationships, meanings and processes for example by linking to AI and machine learning. Therefore, proposed topics can focus on specific aspects or the significant improvements through an integrated approach, synergistic integration of information technologies (including e.g.  VR, AR, MR) into a project´s lifecycle from its design-, simulation-, fabrication-, assembly-, construction- process to its use, disassembly, and reuse. The research is open to all sorts of materials, but research proposals with aspects of sustainability and/or smart geometry for design and digital fabrication are encouraged.

Aalto University's strategy focuses on shaping a sustainable future, building on three core values of collaboration, courage and responsibility as well as three cross-cutting approaches of sustainable solutions, radical creativity and entrepreneurial mindset. So, the applications should consider Aalto's strategy and also clearly state the respective character of the planned research. The candidates are also encouraged to consider how their research links to the three cross-cutting approaches of Aalto's strategy.

Teaching duties of the position are limited to about 10% of working hours and are related to Master’s programs of the Department of Civil Engineering, but can include students from other disciplines such as architecture. In addition, modest activity in fund raising and guiding doctoral and master students is also expected.

Research environment

We are located at Aalto University campus in Otaniemi, Espoo where several research institutions and organizations have their laboratories. The department and school have well-equipped research infra and access to national scientific computing services.
The Postdoctoral Researcher in New Technologies will closely collaborate with the Professor of Structures and Architecture, a joint position between the Department of Civil Engineering at ENG, the School of Engineering and the Department of Architecture at ARTS, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. At the Department of Civil Engineering, the Postdoctoral Researcher´s activities will be embedded in the Building, Design and Construction research group. The departments have good laboratory facilities including laboratories of structures, concrete, structural physics, fire safety, soil mechanics and asphalt technics. Presently, the department is in the process of extending existing infrastructure to a full cyber-physical lab with the aim of increasing the level and extent of digitalization, digital processes, and new technologies.

Requirements and Qualifications

You have a completed doctoral degree in Civil Engineering or Architecture or another field relevant for the position and the setting, you manifest a strong background in the research area you are applying for, and you can show a strong publication record or equivalent artistic work. Well demonstrated collaboration skills are essential and fluent command in English is prerequisite. Experience in multidisciplinary research approach, acquiring funding for research projects, and co-operation with building sector and research organizations are considered advantages.


The positions are for a period of 2 years, with a mid-term review, and should start during 2022 but 1st of January 2023 at the latest. The positions are intended for full-time work.

Remuneration, benefits and about Finland as a country to work and live in

Salary will be defined according to Aalto University’s payroll system. In addition to the salary, the contract includes occupational health care and retirement benefits. Finland offers a safe and healthy environment for living. Excellent state-subsidized services include affordable day care, health care, and free schools, which are ranked among the best in the world. Finland is among the best countries in the world, according to many qualities of life indicators, including being three in a row the happiest country in the world (UN study 2020). We are one of the world’s most reliable and stable nations with high level of safety. With high investments in R&D, a strong innovation culture, open data and advanced state of digitalization, we are a nation of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Nordic values of equality and co-operation are rooted deeply into our society. Gender equality, flexibility and low hierarchy are at the core of our Nordic working environment.

Your application should include

  • Motivation Letter (including full contact information), which should outline the multidisciplinarity of the project and indicate, which of the above-mentioned aspect(s) the proposed research focuses on or connects (max 1 A4 page)
  • Research plan for your future research clearly stating the theme(s) of the planned, multidisciplinary research and its link to new technologies and Aalto University's strategy (max 3 A4 pages)
  • CV including publications and contact information for 2 reference persons (max 3 A4 pages)
  • Summary of the Doctoral Thesis (max 1 A4 page), and a certified copy of doctoral degree certificate and its translation, if the originals are not in Finnish, Swedish or English
  • Proof of proficiency in Finnish, Swedish or English if the applicant is not a native speaker of or educated in any of them

All material should be submitted in English in a single pdf-file (compiled with an order specified above).

If you want to join our community, please submit your application through our eRecruitment system Workday via the link “Apply” no later than on 31.03.2022. Email applications will not be taken into account.

Please note: Aalto University’s employees and visitors should apply for the position via our internal system Workday -> find jobs (not external webpage on open positions) by using their existing Workday user account.

For more information

  • For general information, please follow the links of this call.
  • For information regarding the Building, Design and Construction research group,the setting of the position at the Department of Civil Engineering at ENG, the School of Engineering and connection to the Department of Architecture at ARTS, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture please contact Prof. Günther H. Filz, guenther.filz[at]
  • For questions related to recruitment process, please contact HR Coordinator Merja Seppänen merja.seppanen [at]

Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the positions open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.


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The National University of Singapore in Singapore invites applications for vacant (518) Research and Postdoctoral Positions