Junior researcher in behavioural economics

 The LUT School of Business and Management is looking for junior researcher (doctoral student) in behavioural economics. We are looking for a curious mind who is interested about the behavioural mechanisms behind the important decisions to assure successful and sustainable business. 

Research will also be conducted at the University of Trento (Italy) – more specifically at the Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CEEL). The research environment is lively, interdisciplinary, and draws on theory and methods from economics, cognitive psychology, organisational studies, and other related fields. The thesis project also includes laboratory experiments to advance understanding of how human cognition affects economic behaviour.

You must have a master’s degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) in a relevant field (e.g., economics, industrial engineering, industrial management) and the ability and motivation to complete the doctoral studies within their normative duration (i.e., four years). Written and spoken fluency in English is required.

An employment contract can be concluded only if the candidate obtains the right to pursue postgraduate studies at LUT University. The position will be available initially for one year and can be extended by three years, provided that LUT deems the studies and research to have progressed satisfactorily.  

The ideal candidate for the position

  • is interested in writing a dissertation on the area of behavioural economics; the potential research topics are 
    • other-regarding behaviour
    • risk and decision-making
    • strategic interactions
  • has basic knowledge of behavioural economics as well as strong analytical and quantitative research skills.

Knowledge of programming in Python (and oTree) is considered an asset.

Job description 

  • Completion of the doctoral degree within four years 
  • Assisting in teaching
  • Participation in research projects

What we offer

  • An opportunity to launch a successful academic career and to become an expert in behavioural economics
  • A four-year (1+3 years) employment contract for completing the doctoral degree 
    • An employment contract can be concluded only if the candidate obtains the right to pursue postgraduate studies at LUT University
    • The contract will be made initially for one year and can be extended by three years provided that the studies and research have progressed successfully
  • Encouraging and supportive supervision by and research collaboration with Associate Professors Azzurra Morreale and Päivi Maijanen-Kyläheiko from LUT and Professor Luigi Mittone from the University of Trento
  • A great opportunity to conduct research at the Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CEEL), Trento, in a lively interdisciplinary environment that draws from economics, cognitive psychology, and organisational studies.

Starting date: The work will start in March–April 2023 (negotiable) with a six-month trial period.

Location: The job is based in Lappeenranta, Finland. The doctoral student is expected to spend six months at the University of Trento (Italy) during the doctoral studies.

Salary: The typical gross annual starting salary for a junior researcher is approximately 30 800 euros (plus a holiday bonus in accordance with the collective agreement).

How to apply

Please submit all the application materials in English:

  • Your curriculum vitae
  • A copy of your degree certificate; if the original documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, each document must be accompanied by an official certified translation into English or Finnish
  • A motivation letter: an account of your merits and activities of significance to the vacancy (max. 2 pages)
  • A tentative dissertation research plan (5–10 pages) related to one of the dissertation research areas above. The research plan should be organized as follows:  
    1. Introduction: background for research, research gap, research target and research questions/hypotheses.
    2. Theory/literature review: theoretical framework for your dissertation or relevant literature streams related to your topic
    3. Methodology: possible methods to explore and investigate the topic
    4. Results and contributions: novelty and contributions to theory and practice.

The deadline for application is  31 January 2023 at midnight, Finnish local time (+ 2h). Please submit your application together with the required attachments through the university's online application system.

For more information, please contact

  • Associate Professor Azzurra Morreale, azzurra.morreale@lut.fi or Associate Professor Päivi Maijanen-Kyläheiko, paivi.maijanen-kylaheiko@lut.fi (the content of work and the employment contract issues) 
  • Professor Luigi Mittone, luigi.mittone@unitn.it (the content of work)

Read more

LUT as an employer and LUT Doctoral School

Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CEEL), Trento 

Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. Our international community consists of 7 500 members. Our campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. We are the world’s ninth best university for climate action. 

Founded in 1962, the University of Trento is a young and dynamic university with 16,000 students and about 1,200 people working as faculty and administrative staff. According to Times Higher Education (THE) ranking and Italian ranking (Censis), the University of Trento is one of the top Universities in Italy. The educational offer ranges from science and technology to Humanities, from the field of socio-economics and law to the field of Cognitive sciences and Biomolecular sciences. 

Technical support for using the recruitment system: recruitment@lut.fi

Application period starts: 2022-11-30 08:00Application period ends: 2023-01-31 23:59

LUT School of Energy Systems (LES): Summer jobs 2023 for students are available now!

 LUT School of Energy Systems (LES) offers summer jobs for students in May-August 2023. Jobs are located in departments of LUT Energy Technology, Electrical Engineering, Sustainability Science or Mechanical Engineering or the unit of LUT Voima platforms.

A summer job as a junior research assistant in the university provides a good basis for working as a teaching assistant or for post-graduate studies. Work experience from university is highly valued in companies offering Master’s thesis positions; these companies are also often the first employers after graduation.

The duties are related to different areas of competence in our units and may vary from preparation of lecture materials to assistance in research activities.

Examples of the duties: 

  • Development of laboratory work
  • Event planning
  • Making or editing educational videos
  • Data collection and conclusions from the collected data
  • Data analyses
  • Development of the learning environment
  • Preparation for the diploma thesis

The duties and salary of the junior research assistant are determined according to the applicant’s credit points at the time of making the work contract (2032,12 e/month – 2338,85 e/month).

The selection is based on the applicant success in studies: the grade point average and progress in studies (min. 55 credits/academic year). In addition, third-year students and above must have completed their Bachelor’s thesis before starting the summer job.

Please submit your

  • Application (motivation letter)
  • CV
  • Transcript of records

by filling out an online form (link below). The deadline for the applications is on Sunday 12 February 2023 at midnight (Finnish local time UTC +2 h). The file names of your attachments should be in the form: Lastname_file name, e.g. Lastname_CV. Please specify preferred laboratories/platforms listed below, attach also a short argument.

Further information here.

LUT School of Energy Systems (LES)

Energy Technology laboratories:

  • Thermal Engineering 
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Bio-energy Technology

Electrical Engineering laboratories:

  • Electricity Market and Power Systems
  • Electrical Drives Technology, incl. Power Electronics
  • Control Engineering and Digital Systems, incl. IoT in Energy Systems and Cyber-physical systems
  • Renewable electricity generation and storage
  • Applied Electronics
  • Solar Economy

Sustainability Science laboratories:

  • Sustainability Science Lappeenranta
  • Sustainability Science Lahti

Mechanical Engineering laboratories:

  • Welding Technology
  • Laser Processing
  • Production Engineering
  • Machine Design
  • Steel Structures
  • Fiber composites
  • Packaging Technology
  • Machine Dynamics
  • Intelligent Machines

LUT Voima platforms:

  • MORE SIM; Modeling Reality through Simulation
  • GREENRENEW; Green Hydrogen and CO2 for Industry Renewal
  • INERCOM; Integrated Energy Conversion Machinery

Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. Our international community consists of 7 500 members. Our campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. We are the world’s ninth best university for climate action.

Technical support for the online recruitment system recruitment@lut.fi

Application period starts: 2023-01-04 12:00Application period ends: 2023-02-12 23:59

Junior researcher in international business

 The LUT School of Business and Management is looking for a junior researcher (doctoral student) in the area of international business. The post is deemed to strengthen the international marketing team, but involves interdisciplinary work. 

We are looking for a curious mind who is interested in contributing to an interdisciplinary research project on “Advanced information technologies and sustainable development”.

The doctoral student will be jointly supervised by Professor Olli Kuivalainen (LUT University, School of Business and Management) and Professor Rudolf Sinkovics (University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, UK). The doctoral student is expected to spend time at the University of Glasgow during the doctoral studies.

You must have a master’s degree  degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) in a relevant field (e.g., international business, international marketing, innovation and regional development, international management, entrepreneurship) and the ability and motivation to complete the doctoral studies within their normative duration (i.e., four years). A fluent written and spoken proficiency in English is required.

You should

  • be interested in writing a dissertation on research areas such as:
    • Advanced technologies and international business
    • Industry 4.0 and innovation 
    • Digitalization and digital transformation
    • Industry 4.0 technology for regional catch-up
  • have basic knowledge on international business, international marketing, entrepreneurship, regional studies or innovation management and qualitative and/or quantitative research methods
  • be ready to spend 3-6 months twice at University of Glasgow, UK during the doctoral studies (to be able to collect longitudinal data from the UK, and to be able to take part in courses  in Glasgow)

Job description 

  • Completion of the doctoral degree within four years 
  • Assisting in teaching
  • Participation in research projects

What we offer

  • An opportunity to launch a successful academic career and to become an expert in international business with a special focus on the impact of advanced technologies on sustainable regional development
  • A four-year (1+3 years) employment contract for completing the doctoral degree
    • An employment contract can be concluded only if the candidate obtains the right to pursue postgraduate studies at LUT University
    • The contract will be made initially for one year and can be extended by three years provided that the studies and research have progressed successfully
  • Encouraging and supportive supervision by and research collaboration with Professor Olli Kuivalainen (LUT University, School of Business and Management) and Professor Rudolf Sinkovics (University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School, UK)

The work will start in between May and August 2023 (negotiable) with a six-month probation period. The job is based in Lappeenranta, Finland. The typical gross annual starting salary for a junior researcher is approximately 30 800 euros (plus a holiday bonus in accordance with the collective agreement).

How to apply

Please submit all the application materials in English:

  1. Your curriculum vitae
  2. A copy of your degree certificate; if the original documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, each document must be accompanied by an official certified translation into English or Finnish
  3. A motivation letter: an account of your merits and activities of significance to the vacancy (max. 2 pages)
  4. A research plan (5–10 pages) on the subject area presenting your preliminary dissertation research plan with a review of relevant literature, research gap and potential research questions as well as research methods and data.

The deadline for applications is 28 February 2023, at midnight Finnish local time (+ 2h). Please submit your application together with the required attachments through the university's online application system.

Further information

For more information, please contact Professor Olli Kuivalainen, olli.kuivalainen@lut.fi. 

Read more LUT as an employer and LUT Doctoral School

Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. Our international community consists of 7 500 members. Our campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. We are the world’s ninth best university for climate action.

Technical support for using the online recruitment system: recruitment@lut.fi

Application period starts: 2022-12-17 08:00Application period ends: 2023-02-28 23:59

Associate professor (non-tenure track) in computer vision and machine learning

 The LUT School of Engineering Sciences is looking for an associate professor (non-tenure track) in computer vision and machine learning.

The position is located at the Department of Computational Engineering of the LUT School of Engineering Sciences (LENS) on LUT University’s Lahti campus. The department’s research focuses on applied mathematics, computer vision and pattern recognition. The position’s research mainly focuses on computer vision and machine learning – especially applications of digital image processing, pattern recognition and data analytics. The duties include basic and advanced education and degree programme development in computer science and engineering.

What we are looking for

Applicants are expected to have a doctoral degree in a field relevant to the position, such as a D.Sc. or Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering. In addition, the regulations of LUT University require that an associate professor (non-tenure track) has the pedagogical competences and teaching skills necessary for the position, proof of high-level research work and publications, and the ability to lead a research group and raise research funding. 


The salary is determined according to the salary system for university teaching and research personnel. The typical gross starting salary for an associate professor (non-tenure track) is approximately 54 500–62 800 euros a year (plus a holiday bonus in accordance with the collective agreement) depending on the qualifications and experience of the candidate and the responsibilities agreed on. 

The employment relationship is fixed-term for four years with a six-month trial period.


The deadline for applications is 28 February 2023, at midnight Finnish local time (+ 2h). Please send the following application material in English through the university's online application system: 

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A copy of your doctoral diploma; if the original documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, each document must be accompanied by an official certified translation into English or Finnish
  • A full list of publications including your Scopus and Google Scholar details: the Scopus ID and Google Scholar profile URL, total number of publications, total number of citations, and h-indices
  • A teaching portfolio or an equivalent account of your teaching qualifications
  • A summary of your research, including the main results (max. 3 pages)

Further information

Further information, please contact Professor Heikki Kälviäinen, heikki.kalviainen@lut.fi.

Read more about LUT as an employer 

Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. Our international community consists of 7 500 members. Our campuses are in Lappeenranta and Lahti, Finland. We are the world’s ninth best university for climate action.

Application period starts: 2023-01-23 08:00Application period ends: 2023-02-28 23:59

Doctoral Researcher/Project Researcher, Chemistry of Drug Development

 The University of Turku is a world-class multidisciplinary research university which offers interesting challenges and a unique vantage point to national and international research and education.

The Detection Technology Research Group is recruiting

a doctoral researcher/project researcher for a fixed-term position

in a LanthaGlo project funded by Academy of Finland for time period 1.3.2023 – 31.8.2024. The starting date is negotiable and it might be possible that the work continuees longer than 31st of August 2024 based on working with a doctoral thesis.


Research group:
The doctoral researcher/project researcher will be working in the Detection Technology Group at the Department of Chemistry in the University of Turku. The Detection Technology Group develops new bioanalytical methods for research and industrial use under drug development.

Department of Chemistry has very new facilities giving state-of-the-art facilities to study and to do high quality research.

Description of the position:
The doctoral researcher/project researcher will be engaged in a project that seeks for new oligonucleotide (DNA and RNA) related methods for analytical, diagnostic, and drug discovery purposes, employing mostly luminescent detection technologies. The doctoral researcher/project researcher will be working on methods based on novel luminescence read-out systems developed in the group. Project relates to non-PCR based oligonucleotide detection, oligonucleotide binding and processing enzymes, and oligonucleotide binders (aptamers). We are seeking a highly qualified doctoral researcher/project researcher to develop new assay concepts and alternative binder molecules. Typically, a doctoral degree completes in three years in the research group.

Position is a part of collaborative project having partners in USA and Europe. Upon mutual agreement, part of the work can be performed one of the collaborative universities.

Expectations for the candidates:
The candidates
• must have high motivation to do research aiming the completion of PhD.
• hold a MSc or equivalent degree in chemistry or bio-related disciplines (e.g. biotechnology or biochemistry) or is close to graduate
• benefit from earlier experience in assay development and/or bioanalytical luminescence based techniques.
• have the ability to conduct independent scientific work and good English skills.

The qualification requirements of the position state in the University of Turku’s Rules of Procedure: https://www.utu.fi/en/university/organisation. If the selected candidate does not yet have the right to study for a doctoral degree at the University of Turku, the title of Project Researcher will be used at first and the contract is valid until 31st of May 2023 and the study right for a doctoral degree should be applied in the next possible call (spring 2023): University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) and Doctoral Programmes. If a candidate is close to graduation (FM or equivalent) the title of a research assistant will be used in the beginning of employment.

Salary will be determined in a contract. Salary will be determined through University of Turku system for research and teaching personnel in levels 2-4, in which the task-specific salary is 2108,40–2628,85 €/month). Additional 6-50% based personal performance will be added to task-specific salary.
If the candidate does not have an FM or equivalent degree at the beginning of employment, a salary will be determined through University of Turku system for research and teaching personnel in level 1, in which the task-specific salary is 1917.09 €/month). Additional 6-50% based personal performance will be added to task-specific salary.

One (1) month trial period applies to the position.


Applications & additional information
In your application, please include
• a CV
• a motivation letter
• a statement of current and future research interests
• a degree certificate (MSc)
• names and addresses/e-mails of academic referees

Final day for completing the application is Tuesday 31st January 2023 (23:59) through electronic recruitment system. Electronic link for the system in at the beginning of this job advertisement (Fill the form). Advertisement can be found from: http://www.utu.fi/tyopaikat.


Please send direct informal inquiries to PhD Kari Kopra, kari.kopra@utu.fi


Working in Finland
Please learn more about the culture and people in Finland:
• Career in Southwestern Finland (with information on Turku)
• Working culture
• This is Finland
• University of Turku

Doctoral Researcher/Project Researcher, Turku Bioscience Centre

 We are looking for a PhD researcher to work in a project on cancer therapy resistance.

The work will be carried out in Turku Proteomics facility and in Cancer Therapy Resistance laboratory. Both laboratories are located in Biocity Turku and are affiliated with University of Turku. The PhD researcher will work as a member of a multidisciplinary and international research team, and the position can be tailored to have an emphasis on experimental or computational biology, depending on the qualifications.

Main focus of the project is the cancer cells’ adaptation to BRAF-targeted therapy in advanced melanoma. The tasks include characterizing cell line and xenograft models of latent therapy resistance, as well as residual disease biopsies of melanoma patients treated with BRAF-targeted therapy using single-cell transcriptomics and proteomics, targeted genome editing, and other molecular biology techniques.

The position will offer interesting challenges, a dynamic work environment, access to the latest research infrastructure, and an opportunity to develop novel beyond-state-of-the-art single-cell techniques.

Competence requirements

Expected qualifications

  • A MSc in biosciences (e.g. biochemistry, biology, bioinformatics) or a MD degree. We may also consider a candidate who is close to completing their degree in a relevant field.
  • We are primarily searching for a Doctoral Researcher or a Project Researcher. If the person chosen for the position has not graduated yet, the job title will be Research Assistant.
  • Excellent spoken and written English.
  • Previous experience in cell and/or molecular biology.

The following skills are considered an advantage:

  • Programming skills (e.g. R or Python).
  • Experience in mammalian cell culture.
  • Experience with mouse models.

If the selected person doesn’t have a study right in a doctoral programme, their title will initially be Project Researcher until 31.5.2023, and the person needs to apply to a doctoral programme during the next possible application period (Spring 2023). Read more about University of Turku’s Graduate school UTUGS) and its programmes.

The qualifications for the positions are specified in the University of Turku Rules of Procedure https://www.utu.fi/en/university/organisation

Our selection criteria are based on the principle of finding the most qualified and suitable candidate for the job. In practice, this means that not only education, publications and working experience but also personal qualities, communication, motivation, and other relevant criteria will be considered.

Period of employment and salary

The start date of employment will be on March 1st, 2023, but is negotiable. The contract for a Doctoral Researcher is fixed-term until the end of 2025 with a possibility for an extension. The position is subject to a six-month trial period.

The salary is determined by the collective agreement system of Finnish universities. The position belongs to our research personnel and the salary for a Doctoral Researcher or a Project Researcher is in the range of 2500-2800€/month and for a Research Assistant in the range of 2032 -2280€/month on average.


University of Turku is a world class research university with over 20000 students and 3300 employees. Read more about the University of Turku as an employer on: Come work with us!

Turku region is the 3rd largest urban area in Finland and has the highest density of biotech and pharma industry in the country. Turku is also home to Finland’s only Swedish speaking university, Åbo Akademi. The two universities and the industrial sector form a large and active bioscience community.

The city of Turku is located at the unique Archipelago Sea in Southwestern Finland and supports a range of free time activities. Please visit City of Turku for additional information.

Learn more about the Finnish culture and people:

How to apply

Applications must be submitted no later than February 12th, 2023, and contain the following documents in a single PDF file in either English or Finnish:

1) Letter of motivation, including a brief introduction of your expertise in relation to the requirement points above (max 1 page).

2)  CV (max 2 pages).

3) Copy of MSc or MD degree certificate.

4) Contact details of three referees, e.g. prior academic supervisors or persons acquainted with you and your work (name, work place, and email).

5) Possible other documents showcasing the candidate’s merits and suitableness for the position.

For further information about the position, please contact Cancer proteomics group leader, Otto Kauko otto.kauko(at)utu.fi or Cancer Therapy resistance group leader, Kari Kurppa kari.kurppa(at)utu.fi. If you need help with the application process, please contact biocityhrservices(at)utu.fi.

Internship at the Finland Futures Research Centre

 The Finland Futures Research Centre (FFRC) at the University of Turku is looking for intern to be working with the Futures Conference 2023 activities.

The internship period will be three months from April to June 2023. The Intern will be paid a salary of 1.400 € per month. Internship is full time and intern will work in the FFRC’s office at the Turku School of Economics, Turku. Some working days can be done remotely when agreed.

 The intern will join to the organizing committee of the Futures Conference 2023. The conference ‘Empowering Futures – Long-term Governance, Democracy and Futures Research’ will be organized during 14–16 June 2023 in hybrid event (Turku and virtually). More information about the conference: https://futuresconference2023.com/

Tasks of the Futures Conference 2023 Intern: 

  • editing the Book of Abstracts and other materials (e.g. signposts and workshop programs)
  • preparing materials to the conference webpage
  • preparing and uploading materials to the virtual conference application
  • assisting in the marketing of the conference
  • Possibly making content and editing the Futuuri Newsletter of the FFRC (special conference number)
  • other conference related tasks 
  • corresponding with the participants before, during and after the conference
  • assisting to organize the conference premises in Turku (Turku School of Economics)
  • participating in the conference; assisting and guiding the conference participants, helping in the registration desk

The chosen Intern is expected to have good IT-skills, writing and editing skills and fluency in English.  We appreciate good communication and co-operative skills and experience to use virtual communication and networking platforms.

Intern should study in the Master’s Degree Programme in Futures Studies, University of Turku. Priority is given to applicants who have not done an internship during their studies.

 Applications must be submitted on Monday 13th of February, 2023 (23:59) at latest by using the electronic application form of the University of Turku. The link to the application system is at the beginning of this announcement (Apply for the job). Applicants should enclose with their application a CV and a motivation letter.

For enquiries:

Riikka Saarimaa

Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku

riikka.saarimaa@utu.fi, tel. +358 50 304 2772

Doctoral Researcher in Entrepreneurship


The position will be for a fixed term of maximum of four years. The position may be granted for a maximum of four years based on the stage of the applicant’s doctoral dissertation and postgraduate studies.

Turku School of Economics is known for effective research, inspiring learning experiences, future-oriented thinking, and versatile collaboration with stakeholders. As a recognition of excellence in business education and research, TSE has been rewarded international AACSB-accreditation.

Department of Management and Entrepreneurship has three units: Entrepreneurship, Information Systems Science and Management and Organization. The Doctoral Researcher is positioned in the unit of Entrepreneurship.

In the Entrepreneurship Unit entrepreneurship is studied widely from the points of view of the individuals, the companies as well as the whole society. Our research activities focus on two themes in particular: entrepreneurship and new working modes; and, entrepreneurial behaviour and business growth. It is important for us that our research serves the needs of both basic degree and doctoral students as well as the needs and activities of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship policy-makers.

Entrepreneurship is one of the areas of strength at the Turku School of Economics, more information about the unit: https://www.utu.fi/en/university/turku-school-of-economics/entrepreneurship.

Job description

The position of a doctoral researcher is a postgraduate position. In addition to conducting doctoral dissertation research and postgraduate studies, tasks include taking part in teaching (max. 5%) in the area of entrepreneurship and other duties where appropriate (max. 5%). Teaching languages in the entrepreneurship subject are Finnish and English.


According to the University of Turku rules of procedure, a person selected for the post of doctoral researcher is required to have a study right to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Turku. In addition, when acquiring their degree or otherwise, they are required to have demonstrated the ability to undertake postgraduate studies and the capacity to complete a doctoral degree in accordance with the research plan.

The study right of the Doctoral Researcher should primarily be in entrepreneurship subject within the Turku School of Economics. A good knowledge of written and spoken English is a prerequisite and the ability to speak Finnish is considered a benefit.

Who may apply:

  1. persons, who already have a study right to pursue a doctoral degree and
  2. persons, who will apply the study right in the spring 2023 call (call for applications is open 1.3.-17.3.2023)


The salary for the post is determined in accordance with the university salary system for teaching and research personnel. The salary for the doctoral researcher in the beginning of employment is about 2300 - 2500 euros per month.

The post is subject to a six (6) month trial period.

Working in Finland

The university offers good support and orientation for international hires. Please learn more about the culture and people:

And about working in the University of Turku: https://www.utu.fi/en/university/come-work-with-us 


Applications must be submitted online no later than 17th March, 2023. The application form in the application system will close at 23:59 Finnish time. The link to the online application system is in the beginning of this Call for Application ”Apply for the job”.

The application should include a CV, publication list, research plan, motivation letter and degree certificate(s). An applicant, who does not have a study right to pursue a doctoral degree (in entrepreneurship subject within the Turku School of Economics) a study right application for the subject of entrepreneurship must be submitted at the same time (read more: Doctoral Programme of Turku School of Economics - Admission Criteria and Instructions for Applicants | University of Turku (utu.fi)).


Inquiries concerning the position may be directed to Professor Ulla Hytti, tel. +358 40 540 9112 or ulla.hytti(a)utu.fi. Information about recruiting process and system gives HR specialist Mira Liikkanen, tel. +358 50 4002 721 or mira.liikkanen(a)utu.fi.

Postdoc in Model-Driven Engineering

 Mälardalen University is growing and evolving due to increased research funding from the Swedish Government. Join our team on this exciting journey towards MDU`s vision, to be a progressive and collaborative University where together we shape a sustainable future. You can make a difference. Together, we can create a sustainable future through knowledge and innovation. We believe that knowledge and new perspectives are best attained and reached together in collaboration with others – our colleagues, students, the private and public sectors, both nationally and internationally.

Around 20 000 students are currently studying courses and programmes with us in the various domains. We offer education in areas such as design and communication, economics, health, engineering and technology, preschool and compulsory school teacher training as well as in chamber music and opera. In most of our areas we also offer programmes entirely taught in English. We conduct research in all disciplinary domains and our research in Future Energy and Embedded Systems is internationally prominent.
Mälardalen University is located in Sweden, on both sides of Lake Mälaren, with campuses in Eskilstuna and Västerås. Mälardalen is a region dominated by strong growth with several multinational companies based here such as ABB, Volvo, Westinghouse, Alstom and Northvolt. We enjoy close cooperation with the region’s private sector, municipalities, and county councils.

At the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering our students are studying to be for example innovators, entrepreneurs, illustrators, communications officers, network technicians and engineers. Here we have the research specialisations of Embedded Systems, and Innovation and Product Realisation. Our work takes place in cooperation with and in strategic agreements with companies, organisations and public authorities in the region.

Employment information

Employment: Temporary employment,Temporary employment 2 years
Scope: Full time
Closing date for application: 2023-01-30
Campus location: Västeras
School: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, (IDT)

Position description

The MoDev project, funded in Sweden by KKS and run in cooperation with Swedish international industrial partners, therefore Mälardalen University is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher. The position is a temporary employment of 2 years.

MoDev aims at combining well-established software development paradigms to maximise the trade-off between three core aspects: variability, flexibility and agility.  MoDev will provide methodological and technical solutions for the combination of Software Product Lines (SPLs), blended Model-based Development (MBD), and DevOps, with focus on early verification and validation (V&V). The solutions will be concretised into a prototype framework.

The postdoc researcher will focus on identify theories, methods and tools for blended and collaborative modelling, in terms of editing, visualization and synchronisation, of SPLs, and theories, methods and tools for continuous model-based development and analysis of product families. The position also involves teaching.

 The postdoc will work with the project team in MoDev, but is expected to manage her/his duties independently.

Qualifications requirements

The applicant is required to have a PhD degree in Computer Science or Computer/Software Engineering. The applicant must have completed the degree no more than three years before the end of the application period.

The applicants are required to possess a PhD degree in Computer Science and excellent knowledge and skills in theoretical and practical software engineering (at least 60 ECTS in programming, programming languages and software engineering) with particular emphasis on model-driven engineering, especially graphical and textual modelling, modelling and manipulation of software/system/data models, model transformations, as well as Java programming in the Eclipse platform.

Knowledge and experience with EAST-ADL, UML, Eclipse Modeling Framework, Xtext, Sirius and transformation languages such as Xtend are crucial. The position require a strong motivation for research, good verbal and written communication skills in English, and a self-standing attitude.    

Decisive importance is attached to personal suitability. We value the qualities that an even distribution of age and gender, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity, can contribute to the organization.


Knowledge and experience with technologies related to the EAST-ADL, AUTOSAR, Eclipse Modeling Framework for modelling and manipulating models such as Acceleo, Xtend, Xtext, OCL, UML, Java, C++, JUnit, XML, are expected. Experience in teaching


Application is made online. Make your application by clicking the "Apply" button below.

The scientific publications that you do not have in digital form are to be sent by post to:

Mälardalen University
Division of Human Resources
Ref.no: 2021/1420
Box 883
721 23 Västerås

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete in accordance with the advertisement and will reach the University no later than closing date for application.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Contact person

Alessio Bucaioni




Michaël Le Duc

Union representative SACO

+46 (0) 21 10 14 02

Susanne Meijer

Union representative (OFR)

+46 (0) 21 10 14 89

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Postdoc in Educational sciences and (language) teacher development, with a focus on classroom interaction and participation

 Mälardalen University is growing and evolving due to increased research funding from the Swedish Government. Join our team on this exciting journey towards MDU`s vision, to be a progressive and collaborative University where together we shape a sustainable future. You can make a difference. Together, we can create a sustainable future through knowledge and innovation. We believe that knowledge and new perspectives are best attained and reached together in collaboration with others – our colleagues, students, the private and public sectors, both nationally and internationally.

Around 20 000 students are currently studying courses and programmes with us in the various domains. We offer education in areas such as design and communication, economics, health, engineering and technology, preschool and compulsory school teacher training as well as in chamber music and opera. In most of our areas we also offer programmes entirely taught in English. We conduct research in all disciplinary domains and our research in Future Energy and Embedded Systems is internationally prominent.
Mälardalen University is located in Sweden, on both sides of Lake Mälaren, with campuses in Eskilstuna and Västerås. Mälardalen is a region dominated by strong growth with several multinational companies based here such as ABB, Volvo, Westinghouse, Alstom and Northvolt. We enjoy close cooperation with the region’s private sector, municipalities, and county councils.

At the School of Education, Culture and Communication (UKK) our students mainly study programmes relating to teacher education, but we also offer programmes and courses in languages and communication, mathematics/applied mathematics, physics, music and opera as well as the preparatory technical foundation year. MDU's research specialisation educational sciences and mathematics is part of the School. We collaborate with the surrounding community and our international partners. Lärum, which is the University's Centre for Teaching and Learning for staff and students, also belongs to UKK.

Take the chance to become a postdoctoral researcher at Sweden's newest university. We are now announcing four postdoctoral positions for those who want to build our future, contributing not only to the development of our university but also to our country.

The four postdoctoral positions (one for each school) are part of MDU's strategic initiative in health and welfare technology where research and collaboration will be developed. The postdoctoral projects are all interdisciplinary and together with the other postdoctoral researchers and supervisors you will be part of both academy-specific and interdisciplinary groups that meet regularly for seminars and other research-related activities.

Employment information

Employment: Temporary employment, 2 years
Scope: Full time
Closing date for application: 2023-03-31
Campus location: Västeras
School: School of Education, Culture and Communication, (UKK)

Position description

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow who will join the Mälardalen INteraction and Didactics (MIND) Research group as part of the project “Fostering student participation in classrooms: Digitally-enhanced teacher reflection and feedback in education”. The post-doctoral researcher will focus on the interactional aspects of classroom participation and engagement, and explore- from micro-analytic, multimodal, and reflective perspectives- the ways digital tools encourage transformative reflections.

The researcher is expected to be involved in collection and analysis of audio-visual data from classroom settings, while also attending and taking active part in organizing regular activities of the research group, including data sessions, research seminars, and workshops.

The researcher will be expected to (1) transcribe and analyse pedagogical interaction data using (multimodal) conversation analysis, (2) annotate audio-visual data from reflection sessions, and (3) carry out thematic/content analysis of stimulated recall data and interviews. The post-doctoral researcher will be expected to work with the research group members in reporting research findings in international peer-reviewed publications and collaborate with the members of the group in disseminating research findings (e.g. presenting in and organizing research conferences/symposia as well as events for teachers).

The position is a temporary employment of 2-3 years.

Qualifications requirements

The applicant is required to have a PhD degree in educational sciences, applied language studies (e.g., applied linguistics, educational linguistics, (second) language education, TESOL) or related fields, with a focus on interactional aspects of learning and teaching, or discursive practices in institutional interaction in its broad sense. The applicant is also expected to be very proficient in English language, both in speech and writing. The applicant must have completed the degree no more than three years before the end of the application period.

The candidate should be able to demonstrate skills and expertise in using discursive methodologies, preferably (multimodal) conversation analysis, for analyzing interactions where learning is mediated, including, but not limited to, classrooms. The researcher should have in-depth knowledge and experience in the analysis of discursive data, demonstrated through published work and other academic activities. Experience in publishing research in international journals will be important in the decision. Personal qualities required include willingness to collaborate and (demonstrated) skills in collaboration; good communication skills; and the ability to take research initiatives and work independently.   

Decisive importance is attached to personal suitability. We value the qualities that an even distribution of age and gender, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity, can contribute to the organisation.


In addition to the requirements listed above, the candidates who have knowledge and skills in analyzing classroom interaction may have an additional advantage. Furthermore, experience in the use of other discursive methodologies and analysis software are meriterous. Having taken part in data sessions, experience and skills in dealing with corpora, as well as video annotation tools may be advantageous.  


Application is made online. Make your application by clicking the "Apply" button below.

The scientific publications that you do not have in digital form are to be sent by post to:

Mälardalen University
Division of Human Resources
Ref.no: 2023/0039
Box 883
721 23 Västerås

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete in accordance with the advertisement and will reach the University no later than closing date for application.

We look forward to receiving your application!


We decline all contact with recruiters and salespersons of advertisements. We have made our strategic choices for this recruitment.

Union representatives:

Michaël Le Duc (SACO), tel: +46 (0) 21-10 14 02
Susanne Meijer (OFR), Tel: +46 (0) 21-10 14 89

Contact person

Veronika Appelqvist

Avdelningschef/Head of Division

021-15 17 17


Olcay Sert


021- 10 16 36


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PhD student in electronics with focus on neuroengineering

 Mälardalen University is growing and evolving due to increased research funding from the Swedish Government. Join our team on this exciting journey towards MDU`s vision, to be a progressive and collaborative University where together we shape a sustainable future. You can make a difference. Together, we can create a sustainable future through knowledge and innovation. We believe that knowledge and new perspectives are best attained and reached together in collaboration with others – our colleagues, students, the private and public sectors, both nationally and internationally.

Around 20 000 students are currently studying courses and programmes with us in the various domains. We offer education in areas such as design and communication, economics, health, engineering and technology, preschool and compulsory school teacher training as well as in chamber music and opera. In most of our areas we also offer programmes entirely taught in English. We conduct research in all disciplinary domains and our research in Future Energy and Embedded Systems is internationally prominent.
Mälardalen University is located in Sweden, on both sides of Lake Mälaren, with campuses in Eskilstuna and Västerås. Mälardalen is a region dominated by strong growth with several multinational companies based here such as ABB, Volvo, Westinghouse, Alstom and Northvolt. We enjoy close cooperation with the region’s private sector, municipalities, and county councils.

At the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering our students are studying to be for example innovators, entrepreneurs, illustrators, communications officers, network technicians and engineers. Here we have the research specialisations of Embedded Systems, and Innovation and Product Realisation. Our work takes place in cooperation with and in strategic agreements with companies, organisations and public authorities in the region.

Employment information

Employment: Temporary employment
Scope: Full time
Closing date for application: 2023-01-25
Campus location: Västeras
School: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, (IDT)

Position description

The research will be conducted within the research specialization of Embedded Systems, a collaborative and energetic research profile that ranks internationally among the best in the world. Specifically, the successful candidate will be a part of an emerging research group in Neuroengineering, with focus on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology for rehabilitation and cognitive training.

In particular, the PhD student will work on EEG-based BCI for rehabilitation. This work will involve conducting real-time BCI experiments and data collection in a clinical research study to investigate Motor Imagery BCI rehabilitation after stroke and performing data analysis. Data collection includes electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measurements.  

The work is conducted in close collaboration with Danderyd Hospital and data collection will take place at both Danderyd Hospital and Stockholm University in Stockholm, while analyses will take place at Mälardalen University in Västerås. 


Only those who are or have been admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes at a higher education may be appointed to doctoral studentships. For futher information see Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100).

The applicant is required to have an educational background in engineering (master’s degree or equivalent) with extensive knowledge in LabVIEW and MATLAB programming related to online neurofeedback systems using a visual interface. The candidate should have an aptitude to familiarize him/herself with extensive systems, spanning multiple applications. The candidate should be able to work independently, as well as in a team; and be enthusiastic about rehabilitation engineering and working with patients. Good oral and written communication skills in both Swedish and English are required.

Decisive importance is attached to personal suitability. We value the qualities that an even distribution of age and gender, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity, can contribute to the organization.


Very good knowledge in:

  • signal processing related to time-frequency analysis of multi-channel EEG signals
  • AI/Machine Learning to extract information from time series data
  • Unity (Unity, C#)

Extensive practical experience of:

  • EEG and fMRI recordings
  • set-up of time-synchronized multi-acquisition platforms related to eye-tracking and EEG acquisition
  • data communication in systemsengineeringrelated to neurotechnology


Application is made online. Make your application by clicking the "Apply" button below.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete in accordance with the advertisement and will reach the University no later than closing date for application.

We look forward to receiving your application.

We decline all contact with recruiters and salespersons of advertisements. We have made our strategic choices for this recruitment.

Union representatives:

Michaël Le Duc (SACO), tel: +46 (0) 21-10 14 02
Susanne Meijer (OFR), Tel: +46 (0) 21-10 14 89


Contact person

Elaine Åstrand

Docent i medicinteknik


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PhD student in Real-Time Cloud Computing

 Mälardalen University is growing and evolving due to increased research funding from the Swedish Government. Join our team on this exciting journey towards MDU`s vision, to be a progressive and collaborative University where together we shape a sustainable future. You can make a difference. Together, we can create a sustainable future through knowledge and innovation. We believe that knowledge and new perspectives are best attained and reached together in collaboration with others – our colleagues, students, the private and public sectors, both nationally and internationally.

Around 20 000 students are currently studying courses and programmes with us in the various domains. We offer education in areas such as design and communication, economics, health, engineering and technology, preschool and compulsory school teacher training as well as in chamber music and opera. In most of our areas we also offer programmes entirely taught in English. We conduct research in all disciplinary domains and our research in Future Energy and Embedded Systems is internationally prominent.
Mälardalen University is located in Sweden, on both sides of Lake Mälaren, with campuses in Eskilstuna and Västerås. Mälardalen is a region dominated by strong growth with several multinational companies based here such as ABB, Volvo, Westinghouse, Alstom and Northvolt. We enjoy close cooperation with the region’s private sector, municipalities, and county councils.

At the School of Health, Care and Social Welfare our students are studying to be for example behavioural scientists, public health scientists, physiotherapists, nurses, social workers and specialist nurses. Here we have the research specialisation of Health and Welfare. Our work takes place in cooperation with and in strategic agreements with county councils, municipalities and companies in the region.

Employment information

Employment: Temporary employment
Scope: Full time
Closing date for application: 2023-02-26
Campus location: Västeras
School: School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, (IDT)

Position description

The VINNOVA-funded project “AORTA: Advanced Offloading for Real-Time Applications” is announcing a PhD position in real-time cloud computing. The goal of AORTA is to develop a framework that allows offloading of real-time services and functionality to the edge and cloud, as well as integration of them with services in the edge/cloud computing nodes. The ambition is to support, for example, advanced robotics or manufacturing systems in utilizing non-local services in a predictable fashion. We will build upon recent advances in predictable communication and compute technologies, such as Kubernetes and 5G. A new real-time computing platform consisting of a portable real-time virtual machine or real-time containers that supports dynamic code migration for offloading. The project is a strong collaboration among Mälardalen University, Lund University, Ericsson, and Cognibotics.

In this context, the PhD student will focus on developing a new technique to allow holistic modelling of real-time applications that utilize edge-cloud computing continuum. The model should be expressive enough to model the application’s recourse information such as end-to-end timing, network bandwidth, memory, and computing resources. In addition, the PhD student will develop a framework that will continuously monitor the application’s resource requirements and based on the dynamic updates in the resource requirements, the application can be dynamically offloaded to the most suitable computer platform. The communication resources should be taken into account for the offloading decisions. The defined tasks will be done in close collaborations with Ericsson.


Only those who are or have been admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes at a higher education may be appointed to doctoral studentships. For futher information see Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100).

To qualify as a PhD student for this project, you should have a master's level degree in computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering. Strong knowledge on edge-cloud computing systems is essential. Moreover, prior knowledge about embedded systems, real-time systems, and real-time networks are needed. Additional knowledge in applied mathematics and optimization problems are also required.

The position requires a strong motivation for research, good verbal and written communication skills in English. Decisive importance is attached to personal suitability. We value the qualities that an even distribution of age and gender, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity, can contribute to the organization.

Decisive importance is attached to personal suitability. We value the qualities that an even distribution of age and gender, as well as ethnic and cultural diversity, can contribute to the organization.


Background in optimization solvers, programming in C and Matlab, knowledge in virtualization (VMs) and Containers for cloud computing are merits. Moreover, knowledge in virtualization of computing resources and real-time systems analysis are considered as merits.                          


Application is made online. Make your application by clicking the "Apply" button below.

The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the application is complete in accordance with the advertisement and will reach the University no later than closing date for application.

We look forward to receiving your application.

We decline all contact with recruiters and salespersons of advertisements. We have made our strategic choices for this recruitment.

Union representatives:

Michaël Le Duc (SACO), tel: +46 (0) 21-10 14 02
Susanne Meijer (OFR), Tel: +46 (0) 21-10 14 89


We decline all contact with recruiters and salespersons of advertisements. We have made our strategic choices for this recruitment.

Contact person

Mohammad Ashjaei

+46 (0) 21 15 17 72


Saad Mubeen

+46 (0) 21 10 31 91


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