Medewerker HR Services (0,8 tot 1 fte)

 Vanwege uitbreiding zijn we voor het team HR Services van de Dienst Human Resources Management op zoek naar een nieuwe collega voor de functie Medewerker HR Services (0,8 tot 1 fte).
Non academic staff (supporting staff)
Irène Curie Fellowship
Human Resources Management
Date off
Reference number

Job description

Mensen zijn het hart en ziel van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e). Met uitstekende onderzoeks- en onderwijsprogramma's, maken we deel uit van nationale en internationale academische netwerken, nemen we deel aan samenwerkingsverbanden met industrie en maatschappelijke organisaties en zijn we het academische hart van de toptechnologieregio Brainport. De TU/e is een belangrijke spil in een wereldklasse hightech ecosysteem. We staan internationaal bekend om onze expertise op het gebied van wetenschappelijke en technologische basisdisciplines.

De TU/e heeft de ambitie om bij de leidende universiteiten op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie te behoren. Drie uitdagingen zijn fundamenteel voor onze visie voor 2030: een duurzame wereld, de technologische revolutie en de impact van technologie op de samenleving. De TU/e is een mensgerichte werkgever die kansen biedt aan talent - zowel voor wetenschappelijk als ondersteunend personeel - voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling en om de uitdagingen van morgen samen aan te gaan.

Dienst Human Resources Management (HRM) bestaat uit ca.110 enthousiaste collega’s. Naast HR Services bestaat HRM verder o.a. uit de afdelingen HR advice, Professional Development en Occupational Health, Safety, Environment & Radiation Protection (OHSE&R).

In de functie van Medewerker HR Services werk je voor een of meerdere faculteiten of ondersteunende diensten. Het team van HR Services is divers en bestaat uit 20 leuke collega’s. Je zorgt ervoor dat de personeelsadministratie op orde is en informeert medewerkers en leidinggevenden over wet- en regelgeving, over de CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten en over de TU/e arbeidsvoorwaarden. Je werkt samen met collega HR Services medewerkers en HR-adviseurs.


Als medewerker HR Services heb je veel contact met de medewerkers en leidinggevenden van de afdelingen waarvoor je werkt. Daarnaast ben je bezig met het verwerken van de personeelsadministratie. Dat vereist dat je nauwkeurig en accuraat werkt. Binnen je functie heb je te maken met een zeer gevarieerd takenpakket. Dat betekent aan de ene kant veel afwisseling en aan de andere kant worden daarmee ook hoge eisen aan je gesteld. Je bent goed op de hoogte van de arbeidsvoorwaarden en regelingen die van belang zijn voor medewerkers en de leidinggevenden. Je bent voor hen het eerste aanspreekpunt. Veel medewerkers spreken geen Nederlands dus je Engels moet op orde zijn.

Voor de personeelsadministratie ben je onder meer bezig met het verwerken van mutaties rondom in-, door-, en uitstroom en personeelsregelingen. Je doet dat in AFAS (InSite en Profit).

Daarnaast lever je een bijdrage aan het soepel laten verlopen van de HR-procedures. Denk daarbij bijvoorbeeld aan het uniformeren en optimaliseren van procedures. Daarbij verwachten we een actieve houding van je om mee te denken over verbeteringen.

Kortom: geen dag is hetzelfde en door jouw flexibiliteit kun je snel schakelen in werkzaamheden, processen, en in contactmomenten met medewerkers, leidinggevenden en HR-collega’s. Ook heb je veel contact met het Payroll Administration Team en over buitenlandse medewerkers met het Staff Immigration Team.

Job requirements

Als kandidaat:

  • Beschik je over minimaal een MBO+ diploma, bij voorkeur in de richting van HRM of eventueel een bedrijfseconomische/juridische richting.
  • Heb je relevante HR-werkervaring binnen een complexe organisatie.
  • Ben je op de hoogte van regelgeving op het gebied van sociale zekerheid en arbeidsrecht.
  • Heb je een uitstekende mondelinge en schriftelijke beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal (B2 niveau).
  • Ben je bekend met geautomatiseerde systemen (kennis van AFAS is een pré).
  • Werk je nauwkeurig en zorgvuldig, kun je goed plannen en de voortgang bewaken.
  • Werk je 32 tot 40 uur in de week.
  • Ben je uiteraard zeer klantgericht en stel je de juiste prioriteiten.

Conditions of employment

  • Een contract voor de periode van één jaar met zicht op een vast contract. Aanstelling via Euflex is ook mogelijk (de detacheringsorganisatie van de TU/e).
  • Het salaris bedraagt, afhankelijk van kennis en ervaring, minimaal € 2.471,- en maximaal € 3.336,- bruto per maand (schaal 7 CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten).
  • Wij vinden het belangrijk dat onze medewerkers zich blijven ontwikkelen en bieden daarvoor diverse faciliteiten.
  • Ook hebben we aantrekkelijke secundaire arbeidsvoorwaarden zoals 41 vakantiedagen bij een 40-urige werkweek, 8% vakantiegeld, 8,3% eindejaarsuitkering, een zeer ruime werkgeversbijdrage aan de ABP-pensioenregeling, een keuzemodel arbeidsvoorwaarden, kinderopvang op de campus én uitstekende sportfaciliteiten. Vanwege het huidige thuiswerken wordt er een internetvergoeding gegeven van € 25,- per maand en een thuiswerkvergoeding van € 2,- per thuiswerkdag.
  • Duurzaamheid en vitaliteit zijn belangrijke pijlers binnen de TU/e; er worden regelmatig workshops gehouden of bijeenkomsten op deze thema’s.
  • Je wordt onderdeel van onze TU/e community met 12.000 studenten en 3500 medewerkers.

Information and application

Over de TU/e

De TU/e is een internationaal vooraanstaande universiteit die ingenieurs van de toekomst opleidt en de grenzen van wetenschap en technologie verlegt voor een betere wereld. Op de levendige en inspirerende campus werkt en studeert een internationale community van ruim 4000 medewerkers en meer dan 12.000 studenten.

Meer informatie

Inhoudelijke informatie over de functie is verkrijgbaar bij Marjolein von Reth (m.w.v.reth[at] of Suzanne Geurden (s.m.p.c.geurden[at], leidinggevenden van HR Services of bij Elly van den Eertwegh (e.a.m.v.d.eertwegh[at], HR-adviseur HRM.

Voor vragen over het sollicitatieproces of de arbeidsvoorwaarden, neem desgewenst contact op met HR Services (HRServices.SupportUnits[at]

Nieuwsgierig geworden? Op vind je meer over werken bij de TU/e.


Ben je geïnteresseerd in deze vacature, upload dan je motivatie en CV via de "Solliciteer direct/apply now" button.

We kijken uit naar je sollicitatie!

Management Assistent (0,8 fte)

 Ben jij de daadkrachtige persoonlijkheid die de juiste prioriteiten weet te stellen? Schakel je snel en werk je zorgvuldig, met een focus op betrokkenheid en resultaat? Dan hebben we een hele mooie functie voor je bij de faculteit Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS)!
Non academic staff (supporting staff)
Irène Curie Fellowship
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Date off
Reference number

Job description

Je maakt deel uit van de afdeling Education and Student Affairs (ESA) dat een breed scala aan diensten biedt ter ondersteuning van het onderwijs, zoals advies aan studenten, docentondersteuning, roostering, internationalisering, marketing & werving, kwaliteitszorg, examen- en onderwijsadministratie, ondersteuning van de examencommissies en onderwijsbeleid. 

Je beheert alle secretariële en administratieve processen rond het ambitieuze onderwijsinnovatieprogramma van de faculteit dat de komende jaren wordt uitgerold. Je bent de rechterhand van de projectmanager en je werkt nauw samen met je collega’s van het subteam Education, Coordination & Innovation (ECI). Daarnaast coördineer en administreer je de werving van student-assistenten die worden ingezet in het onderwijs.

Samen met je collega management assistent ben je verantwoordelijk voor de secretariële, administratieve en ondersteunende werkzaamheden t.b.v. de afdeling ESA. Zo vorm je het aanspreekpunt in contacten en plan je afspraken in. Je bereidt vergaderingen voor, notuleert ze en handelt ze af. Je bent aanspreekpunt voor facilitaire zaken. Je plaatst bestellingen en draagt zorg voor voorraadbeheer van de afdeling.

Job requirements

  • Je bent een enthousiaste, proactieve en daadkrachtige professional met een (bijna) afgeronde opleiding op minimaal mbo werk- en denkniveau. Bij voorkeur heb je een afgeronde secretaresse opleiding.
  • Je werkt zelfstandig maar bent wel een teamspeler door op een prettige en stimulerende wijze binnen een team te functioneren.
  • Je beschikt over goede organisatorische vaardigheden, het vermogen om prioriteiten te stellen en je werkt nauwkeurig.
  • Je beschikt over gedegen kennis van Outlook, Word en Excel en je bent in staat je nieuwe systemen snel eigen te maken.
  • Schriftelijke en mondelinge beheersing van de Nederlandse en Engelse taal is een belangrijke vereiste.

Conditions of employment

Een boeiende positie binnen een internationale universiteit met aandacht voor jou als persoon. Je zit midden tussen de studenten, op een groene campus op loopafstand van het centraal station. Naast mooie architectuur, vind je er gevarieerde werkplekken en uitstekende sportfaciliteiten. Daarnaast bieden we jou:

  • Een arbeidsovereenkomst voor twee jaar via Euflex.
  • Een maandsalaris van minimaal €2.402,- tot maximaal €3.026,- bij een fulltime dienstverband, afhankelijk van jouw kennis en ervaring (schaal 6 cao Nederlandse Universiteiten).
  • Naast vakantiegeld, een structurele eindejaarsuitkering van 8,3%.
  • Werktijden in overleg voor een optimale werk-privé balans.
  • Deels betaald ouderschapsverlof en een vergoeding voor reiskosten woon-werkverkeer, thuiswerken en internet.
  • Via EU-flex een premievrij pensioenregeling.

Information and application

Over de TU/e

De TU/e is een internationaal vooraanstaande universiteit die ingenieurs van de toekomst opleidt en de grenzen van wetenschap en technologie verlegt voor een betere wereld. Op de levendige en inspirerende campus werkt en studeert een internationale community van bijna 7.000 medewerkers en 13.000 studenten.

Meer informatie

Herken jij jezelf in dit profiel en wil je meer informatie over de functie? Neem dan contact op met de vacaturehouder: Jet Custers, manager ESA, via email: h.j.j.m.custers[at] of telefonisch: +31 40 247 2154.

Nieuwsgierig geworden? Op vind je meer over werken bij de TU/e.


Ben je geïnteresseerd? Via de solliciteer-knop ontvangen we graag je CV en brief met motivatie op uiterlijk 23 juni 2023.
We kijken uit naar je sollicitatie!

PhD's for the modelling of gas-to-liquid mass transfer in slurry-bubble columns

Irène Curie Fellowship
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Date off
Reference number

Job description

We are seeking two highly motivated PhD candidates to undertake projects focused on the modelling of transport phenomena in slurry-bubble columns. These columns are a critical type of chemical reactor used in various large-scale manufacturing processes, including the production of fuels, chemical building blocks, and other products. The primary research objective will be to investigate the mass transfer of species between the gas and liquid phases, with a specific emphasis on the influence of bubble motion on this process.

The two PhD projects differ in terms of simulation resolution and scale:

  • The first project will involve simulating a representative volume of a moderate number of bubbles, typically in the hundreds, with fully resolved interfaces for individual bubbles. The main focus of this study will be on understanding the detailed interplay between gas-liquid hydrodynamics and species transport between the two phases.
  • The second project will focus on simulating the full reactor scale, where bubbles will be individually tracked, but their interfaces will not be fully resolved. This project will utilize deterministic and stochastic Euler-Lagrange simulation methods to investigate the impact of bubble dynamics on mass transfer and mixing. Additionally, there will be a significant experimental component to this project, involving the validation of Euler-Lagrange simulations using a laboratory-scale slurry-bubble column.

Both projects present significant challenges as they address complex hydrodynamic systems that have not been fundamentally explored before. However, gaining deeper insights into these processes is crucial for the development of novel and sustainable manufacturing processes.

The successful candidates will be part of larger project consisting of in-total six PhD students who are collectively working on three-phase gas-solid-liquid multicomponent systems with catalytic particles. These PhD projects are part of an esteemed ERC Advanced grant project titled 'Modelling of three-phase flows with catalytic particles'. The overall project encompasses a range of complexity levels and employs a multiscale approach. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) will be used to study transport phenomena with high accuracy in systems involving a relatively small number of bubbles and particles. Deterministic and stochastic Euler-Lagrange simulation methods will be utilized for simulating full columns at laboratory and industrial scales. The modelling work will be complemented by experimental validation.

The two advertised projects, PhD2 and PhD5, are integral components of this broader research scheme.

Job requirements

We are looking for candidates with a background in chemical, mechanical, thermal engineering, physics or a related field.

The prospective researcher is expected to have experience in modeling of transport phenomena. An affinity with the process industry is preferred. The research will be computational, therefore experience with coding and modern software development is valued. The ideal candidate has good scientific skills as well as excellent soft skills related to verbal and written  communication. The candidate should be a team player.

Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:

  • Full-time employment for four years, with an intermediate evaluation (go/no-go) after nine months. You will spend 10% of your employment on teaching tasks.
  • Salary and benefits (such as a pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities, scale P (min. €2.541 max. €3.247).
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • High-quality training programs and other support to grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher. At TU/e we challenge you to take charge of your own learning process.
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
  • An allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • A Staff Immigration Team and a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) for international candidates.

Information and application

About us

Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. 


Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? Please contact the hiring manager J.A.M. Kuipers, j.a.m.kuipers[at], tel. +31 40 247 4158.

Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment. You can also contact Sandra van de Weijer, HR Advisor, p.j.v.d.weijer[at]

Are you inspired and would like to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page.


We invite you to submit a complete application by using the apply button. The application should include a:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae with details on education, employment, publications, research
  • experience, and the contact information of at least two references.
  • A list of BSc and MSc courses and grades.

We do not respond to applications that are sent to us in a different way. Please keep in mind you can upload only 5  documents up to 2 MB each. If necessary, please combine files.

We look forward to your application and will screen it as soon as we have received it. Screening will continue until all positions are filled.

Full Professor in Building Lighting

 Are you a thought leader in the field of Building Lighting and do you have a strong international reputation within this field? Are you passionate about research, education, and cross-over collaborations with other subdisciplines?
Irène Curie Fellowship
Built Environment
Date off
Reference number

Job description

With your strong academic background, you are able to demonstrate your excellence in the field of Building Lighting.

The unit Building Physics and Services comprises six main focus areas, namely: Building Acoustics, Building Lighting, Building Materials, Building Performance, Building Physics, and Building Services. Together they constitute the Building Physics and Services research program, with an outstanding international reputation.

The Building Lighting group members are actively involved in the TU/e Intelligent Lighting Institute (ILI), a multidisciplinary team of approximately fifty people working on the development of new concepts for interactive lighting solutions, as well as the requisite technology.

Within its academic field the main responsibility of the Building Lighting research group in research and education is the seamless integration of lighting in the building design, aiming for healthy, comfortable and sustainable buildings. Current research by the assistant professors of the Building Lighting group mainly focuses on the impact of light on building occupants addressing both image-forming and non-image-forming responses to light, and the translation of these research results into design recommendations. A wide range of research methodologies are applied (e.g., computer simulations, sensor technologies, experience sampling, analytical data analyses, (field) experiments involving human subjects).

As a Full Professor, you will have complementary research expertise. Possible research directions could include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing (predictive) light simulation models that support lighting designers.
  • Sensing and controlling functionalities within smart lighting solutions (indoor and outdoor).
  • Artificial intelligence and big data analysis.
  • Sustainable, energy-efficient, and circular lighting.

Moreover, in the spirit of the Department, you are going to initiate and maintain cross-over collaborations with the other subdisciplines in the department to leverage the impact of such collaborations on societal challenges, both in education and research. Collaborations with other departments, for example via the TU/e institutes, and with industrial partners are encouraged.

You will be allocated in the unit Building Physics and Services (BPS) and you are expected to force ties with the existing academic staff within the unit BPS, including, but not limited to, the two assistant professors currently employed in the Building Lighting research group. As a professor you are using your leadership skills to excel in supporting the development of talent, considering differences between disciplines, cultures, and backgrounds that come with an internationally oriented university. Finally, apart from research and education, you will share responsibility for the management of the department by involvement in the unit BPS strategy and managerial tasks in the department.

Job requirements

  • Motivated and ambitious researcher in Building Lighting, with the ability to conduct high quality academic research that is demonstrated by a relevant PhD thesis and publications in high impact journals.
  • A strong international reputation in the field of Building Lighting.
  • Strong collaboration skills and the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, aimed at developing people and creating synergy.
  • Excellent communication, organization, and leadership skills for managing professionals in his/her own research group and the overarching disciplinary unit.
  • Personal experience with acquiring external research funding from (inter-) national funding bodies or industry.
  • Extensive education experience and proven didactic skills at both undergraduate and graduate level and experience in successfully supervising PhD candidates and mentoring early career scientists.
  • Excellent (written and verbal) proficiency in English, the teaching language at TU/e.

Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you:

  • The opportunity to focus your career on education, research or impact. You can develop your personal ambitions and objections within the strategic objectives of the university.
  • Salary in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%.
  • A dedicated mentoring program to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment.
  • High-quality training programs for academic leadership and teaching.
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities.
  • Partially paid parental leave and an allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs.
  • A Staff Immigration Team is available for international candidates, as are a tax compensation scheme (the 30% facility) and partner career support.

Information and application

About TU/e

Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-five position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. 

Curious to hear more about what it is like as a professor at TU/e? Please view the video: Working as full professor @ Eindhoven University of Technology - YouTube.

About the Department

The Department of the Built Environment houses a unique wide spectrum of disciplinary knowledge in the fields of architecture, urban planning and building technology (e.g., structural design, building physics, materials technology and building information modelling). We act at various levels of scale, from materials to buildings to cities and pay attention to the impact of design and technology on humans. This diversity profiles us, and we cherish it. Our mission is to educate students and advance science and technology from the perspective of the built environment and for the benefit of humanity. We integrate teaching, research and design in one educational program to empower students to become thought leaders, to (re)shape cities and the construction industry beyond the limits of the current imagination.

The department employs about 260 academic staff members, including approximately 190 PhDs, EngDs, and Postdocs, organized in disciplinary units. Scientists within the units are encouraged to team up over the borders of their own field of expertise in cross-disciplinary research and education on the themes: energy transition, sustainability, and inclusiveness. Through cooperation with other departments in the TU/e institutes on Lighting (ILI), Artificial Intelligence (EAISI), and the self-founded Urban Development Initiative (UDI), we create new ecosystems with governmental agencies and industry and thereby contribute to a healthy, sustainable and inclusive built environment.


Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? Please contact Maarten Hornikx, Vice Dean of the department Building Environment via m.c.j.hornikx[at]

Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment. You can also contact Sander Burgmans, Senior Recruiter via s.burgmans[at] or +31 6 21 70 37 89.

Are you inspired and would like to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page.


We invite you to submit a complete application.
The application should include a:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of your publications and the contact information of three references.
  • Description of your scientific interests and plans (1-2 pages).
  • Statement of your teaching goals and experience (1-2 pages).

We look forward to receiving your application and will screen it as soon as possible. The vacancy will remain open until the position is filled.

Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Positions for Women - Electrical Engineering

Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
Irène Curie Fellowship
Electrical Engineering
Date off
Reference number

Job description

At Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), we believe diversity broadens our research scope and enhances the quality of our education. Our Irene Curie Fellowship aims to advance talented female researchers to thrive and be successful in top positions in science, contributing to the societal goal of promoting equal opportunities. The program addresses the aspirations and needs of women in industry, academia, and research institutes to support their ambition to become a professor at our university.  

TU/e is situated in the heart of Europe's leading innovative top technology region Brainport in the South-East of the Netherlands. The 

Department of Electrical Engineering at TU/e is an ambitious and inclusive department, having defined (3) three themes covering all research and education activities: Care and Cure, The Connected World, and Smart and Sustainable Society. Led by these themes, the (9) nine research groups are performing joint research.  A significant amount of research is done in close cooperation with large high-tech companies, such as Philips, ASML, NXP, as well as many small/medium enterprises.

The department invites applications for new faculty positions at all levels including (tenure-track) Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor. Candidates in all areas related to Electrical Engineering will be considered, including, but not limited to:

  • Control Systems;
  • Electrical Energy Systems;
  • Electro-Optical Communication;
  • Electromagnetics;
  • Electromechanics;
  • Power Electronics;
  • Electronic Systems;
  • Integrated Circuits;
  • Photonic Integration;
  • Signal Processing Systems.

Do you want to join our open academic community? Do you want to set up your own, independent research line and team, while still being able to profit from the benefits that come with working together in research units and in an open-atmosphere department? Then apply now!

All positions are open from June16th, 2023 and are open only to women in the framework of the Irène Curie Fellowship program of TU/e. Review of applications will begin immediately upon receipt, and continue until the positions are filled, with the last date for applications being September 15, 2023.

You will be offered the opportunity to establish an independent, largely externally funded research program in collaboration with colleagues at our department and at national and international institutions. Substantial start-up packages to kick-off your career in our department are available. In order to empower you, we provide support such as training programs for academic leadership and the university teaching qualification and an informal mentoring scheme to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment. 

Job requirements

  • Motivated researcher, with a PhD and at least 2 years of postdoctoral experience;
  • Ability to conduct high quality academic research, reflected by demonstratable products;
  • Ability to teach, shown by experience or, assistance in teaching.  Informed vision on teaching and learning in your own discipline;
  • Strong cooperation skills and ability to work in an interdisciplinary team; 
  • Effective communication and leadership skills, including coaching and mentoring of students and staff, leading a project or, chairing a group;
  • Excellent proficiency (written and verbal) in English.   

Conditions of employment

A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary setting and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful, green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you;

  • Tenure Track of five years with the prospect of becoming Associate Professor. If you have a more senior profile, a tailor-made career proposal will be considered;
  • The opportunity to focus your career on education, research, or impact. You can develop your personal ambitions and objections within the strategic objectives of the university;
  • As an Irène Curie Fellow, you are entitled to a substantial start-up package to kick-off your career.;
  • A year-end bonus of 8.3% and annual vacation pay of 8%; 
  • A dedicated mentoring program to help you get to know the university and the Dutch (research) environment;
  • High-quality training programs for academic leadership and teaching;
  • An excellent technical infrastructure, on-campus children's day care and sports facilities;  
  • Partially paid parental leave and an allowance for commuting, working from home and internet costs;
  • A Staff Immigration Team is available for international candidates, as is a tax compensation scheme (the 30% Facility) and Partner Career Support.  

Information and application

About us

Eindhoven University of Technology is an internationally top-ranking university in the Netherlands that combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on attitude. Our spirit of collaboration translates into an open culture and a top-5-position in collaborating with advanced industries. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow.   

Curious to hear more about what it is like as a professor at TU/e? Please view the video.


Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? Please contact Sander Burgmans (s.burgmans[at], +31 621703789. Visit our website for more information about the application process or, the terms of employment.

Are you inspired to know more about working at TU/e? Please visit our career page.


This vacancy is part of the Irène Curie Fellowship and is only open for female candidates.
Male candidates will not be considered for the position.

We invite you to submit a complete application. The application should include a:

  • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of your publications and the contact information of three references.
  • Description of your scientific interests and plans (1-2 pages).
  • Statement of your teaching goals and experience (1-2 pages).

We look forward to your application and will screen it as soon as we have received it. Screening will continue until the positions have been filled.  

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