Tenure-Track Professorship for romance studies with a focus on french and italian literature


InstitutionFaculty of Humanities

Salary levelW1 with tenure track leading to a W3

Commencement of duties01.10.2022

Application deadline02.02.2022


To teach and conduct research in Italian and French literature.

Applicants are expected to participate in the University’s core research area Manuscript Cultures.

Applicants are also expected to participate in Research Field C: Creating Originals  of the Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts (https://www.csmc.uni-hamburg.de/written-artefacts/field-c.html) and a relevant project synopsis must be submitted.

A research focus on the early modern period is also desirable for collaboration in the The Early Modern World emerging field.

The successful candidate is further expected to participate actively in the instruction of students pursuing a teacher training degree in the respective discipline.

Section 12 subsection 7 sentence 2 of the Hamburg higher education act (Hamburgisches Hochschulgesetz, HmbHG) applies.


Academic qualifications and additional requirements as specified in Section 18 HmbHG.

Additional criteria

Applicants are expected to have international research experience as well as a successful track record in acquiring external funding and carrying out externally funded projects.

The University places particular emphasis on the quality of teaching and therefore requests that applicants provide details of their teaching experience and objectives.

Non-German-speaking post holders are expected to acquire the language skills necessary to teach in German (Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) within two years of commencing employment.

Junior professors have academic autonomy in their research and teaching. Applicants’ subject interests are expected to relate to the Institute of Romance Languages and Literature.

A tenure-track evaluation will be conducted during the second phase of the junior professorship in order to determine whether requirements for appointment to a W3 professorship have been met. Section 15 HmbHG applies. If the evaluation is positive, the candidate will be offered a tenured W3 professorship. The regulations prohibiting internal appointments also apply to this junior professorship.

As a University of Excellence, Universität Hamburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany. As a flagship university in the greater Hamburg region, it nurtures innovative, cooperative contacts to partners within and outside academia. It also provides and promotes sustainable education, knowledge, and knowledge exchange locally, nationally, and internationally.

As a University for sustainability, we put human resources development and especially the development and advancement of our early career researchers at the fore of our strategic endeavors. By strengthening the tenure-track professorship, Universität Hamburg has introduced a specific career opportunity for early career researchers. Junior professorships are aimed at researchers in the early stages of their career, within four years after completion of doctoral studies.

Due to the success of the tenure-track program run by the Ministry for Education and Research, Universität Hamburg invites applications for this tenure-track professorship.

In accordance with Section 14 subsection 3 sentence 3 HmbHG, Universität Hamburg seeks to increase the proportion of women in teaching and research and encourages female academics to apply.

Severely disabled and disabled applicants with the same status will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.

Tips on applying


Prof. Dr. Silke Segler-Meßner


+49 40 42838-7188

Prof. Dr. Jörg B. Quenzer


+49  40 42838-7203

Reference number

JP 333


Überseering 35
22297 Hamburg
To Google Maps

Application deadline


Please submit your application with your CV, list of publications, teaching experience, successful external funding record, copies of certification and documents, synopsis of research project in the Research Field C of the Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts, teaching and research plans, additional evidence of skills and experience, such as presentations, posters, significant roles held in organizations, etc. where available, preferably by email in a single PDF file, to Bewerbungen@uni-hamburg.de or per post to:

An den Präsidenten

Universität Hamburg


Mittelweg 177

20148 Hamburg

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the academic search procedure is set to proceed digitally. More information is available from the chair of the search committee.

Please submit a completed application form alongside your application documents. Link to application form:www.uni-hamburg.de/form-prof-w1-en

More information on data protection in selection procedures.

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