Postdoctoral researcher or project researcher (single-cell genomics)


We seek a highly talented postdoctoral (or soon to be) researcher to join our single-cell omics core facility at Turku Bioscience Centre. The selected candidate will be working with single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics methods in close collaboration with researchers on the fields of genomics, immunology and bioinformatics. 
The unit houses cutting-edge research equipment and represents a critical resource for the InFLAMES Flagship, a joint effort of University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University aiming at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster which will be globally attractive both for the researchers and business partners. 
Key Responsibilities
• Development of single-cell genomics core facility services
• Supporting researchers in the use of single-cell genomics platforms and pursuing collaborative research projects
• Development of quality control strategies
Essential skills
• PhD (or soon to be) in life sciences or other relevant discipline
• Experience with genomics and molecular biology research methods
• Strong organizational skills
• Strong interpersonal skills, including written and oral communication in English
Ideal skills
• Postdoctoral research experience from a relevant field (optimally up to 6 years after PhD)
• Experience in single-cell genomics and sequencing methods
• Experience in immunology and immune profiling methods
• Experience with command line tools and programming skills in R or python
• Supervisory and project management experience
• Strong scientific publication record, considering career stage
The salary is determined in accordance with the salary system for universities. The salary for a Postdoctoral Researcher is on average 3100-3900 eur/month, depending on qualifications and experience, whereas the salary for a soon to be PhD (meaning project researcher) will be on average 2770-2860 eur/month.
Duration of the contract
The start of employment is negotiable. The position is fixed-term for until the end of 2023 with a possibility for extension. The position is subject to a six-month trial period.
What to do next?
Kindly enclose with your application a CV, degree certificate(s), list of publications, a motivation letter describing your relevant skills and knowledge, and other documents that may influence the filling of position. We are committed to equality and non-discrimination and individuals of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. 
Please submit your application by the online application system latest on 20.3.2022. Kindly use a link to the online application system
For further information please don’t hesitate to contact Tapio Lönnberg taplon(at)
In case you need help with the application process, please turn to HR Specialist Paula Luoma paula.luoma(at) 
Working in Finland 
We also welcome you cordially to our multicultural working community. In case you are arriving in Finland for the first time, we offer you orientation support. 
Please learn more about the culture and the people: 
Working culture 

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