Post-doctoral candidate (m/f/d) | Cryo-electron microscopy


The group of Andrea Musacchio at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology in Dortmund (Germany) is looking for a Post-doctoral candidate (m/f/d) in cryo-electron microscopy.

We are looking for an enthusiastic post-doctoral researcher with previous experience in the application of cryo-EM methodologies (e.g. single-particle, electron tomography) to join a multidisciplinary team involved in the reconstitution and dissection of the human cell division machinery.

The kinetochore fibrous corona is involved in the coordination of checkpoint signaling and microtubule attachment by kinetochores. Building on our reconstitution and structural dissection of the kinetochore corona (Çivril et alStructure 2010; Mosalaganti et alJ. Cell Biol 2017; Raisch et alEMBO J 2022; D’Amico et albioRxiv 2022), and capitalizing on crucial new unpublished findings, we want to tackle the next steps of structural analysis of the kinetochore corona with structural studies in vitro and in cells that will also develop in collaboration with the neighboring group of Stefan Raunser.

Our group has made significant strides in the understanding of kinetochore organization (e.g. Weir et alNature 2016; Petrovic et alCell 2016; Pesenti et alMol. Cell 2018; Huis in ‘t Veld et aleLife 2019; Walstein et alSci. Advances 2021; Pesenti et alMol. Cell 2022) and of spindle assembly checkpoint signaling (e.g. Faesen et alNature 2017; Piano et alScience 2021; Raisch et alEMBO J 2022). In our studies, we combine biochemical reconstitution, cell biology and genome editing, single-molecule biophysics, cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, and mass spectrometry for comprehensive investigations of mitotic cell division. This span of techniques and approaches makes our laboratory a particularly interesting environment for people who see a value in multi-disciplinarity.

The MPI of Molecular Physiology is exceptionally well equipped for the proposed cryo-EM studies and for every other need of the project, including substantial technical assistance. 

The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. The MPG is committed to promoting work-life balance and equal opportunities. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

The position is available from September 1st (and onward) and will be available for an initial period of up to 3 years, renewable (not tenurable). Financial remuneration will be in accord with the public service scheme TVöD (under the E13 level, with E14 being possible commensurately with experience). The deadline for application is August 15th. Applications should be sent to Andrea Musacchio  and should include a letter of motivation, CV, and at least two names who may be contacted for references. Pre-inquiries are very welcome.

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