PhD in Economics

 Luleå University of Technology experiences rapid growth with world-leading expertise within several research domains. We shape the future through innovative education and groundbreaking research results and drawing on our location in the Arctic region, we create global societal benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are carried out in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has an annual turnover of SEK 1.9 billion. Today, we have 1,815 staff and 19,155 students.

In the coming years, multi-billion investments will be made in large projects in Northern Sweden to create a fossil-free society both nationally and globally. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these cutting-edge research projects and in the societal transformation that they entail. We offer a broad range of courses and study programmes to match the skills in demand. We hope that you will help us to build the sustainable companies and societies of the future.

We are looking for one or more PhD students in Economics. As a PhD student within the Economics unit you will be part of the research environment of the Social Sciences Division, which has about 50 employees. You will be placed in the Economics unit, with 15 co-workers.

Research at the Social Sciences Division is oriented towards social science aspects of natural resource, environmental and energy issues. Research at the division is carried out in intra-disciplinary as well as in multidisciplinary projects where economists collaborate with the other disciplines in the division, as well as with other researchers within the university and elsewhere. We strive for a clear international orientation in our research.

Subject description
Economics concerns the study of how society can be organised to make efficient use of scarce resources. Research focuses on the economics of natural resources, energy and the environment. It applies microeconomic theories to study the behaviour of energy and raw material markets as well as how these markets are influenced by public policy.

As a PhD student, you are expected to be part of the research environment at the division. This means gaining practical research experience by publishing scientific papers in journals and presenting at national and international conferences, and conducting research within one or several of the projects carried out in the division. You will also take PhD courses, some of which will be directly connected to the research school. You may also have the opportunity of trying the teacher role. An individual study plan will be set up for your PhD and will be followed up at the end of each semester.

You will be based in Luleå, but your PhD studies will also entail taking courses elsewhere. You will also need to travel for research and conferences. These academic ventures will help you develop valuable contacts both within Sweden and internationally. In addition, you will also have the opportunity to influence departmental, divisional, and unit activities, and we therefore value people with initiative and drive.

A PhD student’s work is problem oriented. You will develop your skills in identifying, delimiting, formulating and addressing economic problems. You will also develop your skills in working on theoretical and analytical issues.

For eligibility as a PhD student in Economics, you will need a master’s or other advanced degree in Economics, as well as excellent skills in oral and written communication in English. (For some of the projects that we are recruiting students for, excellent skills in oral and written communication in Swedish will also be a requirement.)

Selection and ranking among applicants will consider each student’s ability to complete research studies. Applicants will be assessed not only according to their qualifications in respect of the depth and breadth of their previous studies, but also as regards their critical and analytical abilities in terms of scientific output, such as their thesis work from undergraduate and advanced levels and, where applicable, other scientific output.

As part of your application you should submit your thesis/dissertation from your advanced studies. The scientific and linguistic qualities of the thesis/dissertation will be an additional assessment criterion.

Apart from the above, the following criteria will be used to assess candidates for the positions:

- Good methodological skills, especially in environmental and natural resource economics
- Good collaborative skills, and
- Interest in, and ability in respect of, cooperating across disciplinary boundaries.

For further information about a specific subject see; General curricula for the Board of the faculty of humanities and social sciences

Employment as a PhD student is limited to 4 years, teaching and other department duties may be added with max 20%. Salary is paid in accordance with current agreements. We look positively on you being able to get started as soon as possible.

For further information about the position, please contact Jesper Stage, Professor and Chair of the Economics group, + 46 920 493445, or Jerry Blomberg, Head of the Social Sciences Division, + 46 920 492335,

Union representatives: SACO-S Kjell Johansson, (+46)920-49 1529, (+46)920-49 or OFR-S Lars Frisk, (+46)920-49 1792

In case of different interpretations of the English and Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.

We prefer that you apply for the position via the application button below. Along with submitting a brief statement of your research interests, a CV, suggested references, sample(s) of your work and certified copies of your academic certificates, you should include a personal letter motivating your interest in PhD studies.

Your application and your academic diploma must be written in Swedish or English. Mark your application with the reference number below.  

Closing date for applications: April 26, 2023
Reference number: 804-2023


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