PhD student in virology and organoid technology


In the Division of Immunology of the Institute of Virology and Immunology in Bern, Switzerland, a
PhD student position is available in the field of host-virus interactions in the central nervous system.

Viruses targeting the human brain are an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide for which
there are limited treatment options. Due to the lack of a robust in vitro system recapitulating the human
brain, the study of viruses causing neurological diseases is currently mostly relying on animal models.
However, through the exploitation of stem cell technology, the generation of complex cerebral threedimensional
(3D) cultures resembling the human brain is nowadays possible. These “mini-brains in a
dish” called cerebral organoids, provide unprecedented opportunities for the study of infectious diseases
targeting the central nervous system and are currently the most powerful system to study human brain
development and associated pathologies. In this project, the PhD student will use the 3D cerebral
organoid system to study the mechanisms of virus-mediated neurological disease.

This project involves advanced techniques in cell and molecular biology and work with 3D cultures,
pluripotent stem cells, human pathogens (biosafety level 3), whole genome expression profiling, and
cutting-edge microscopy. The PhD candidate will receive training, supervision and support and will
present his/her research activities at regular lab meetings and at national/international conferences.
You are science-driven, creative, resilient, and enjoy working independently remaining focused on
objectives and results. You see yourself as highly interactive and a team player. You have theoretical
and practical skills in cell biology and virology and/or immunology. Experience with primary cell culture
techniques, embryonic stem cells, and confocal microscopy is an advantage. You have excellent
communication and writing skills in English.
Applicant must hold a Master degree in life sciences (or equivalent) acceptable for matriculation as a
PhD student at Swiss Universities. The candidate will have to be admitted to the Graduate School for
Cellular and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Bern (GCB). The guidelines of the GCB can be
found here:
We offer
The position is available preferably from March 1st 2022 with a salary according to Swiss National
Science Foundation scales. The Institute of Virology and Immunology and the University of Bern offers
state-of-the art facilities, including access to confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, molecular biology,
transcriptomics, high containment BSL3 facilities for virus work. For further information on the Institute
visit our homepage:
To apply please send a single PDF file containing a motivation letter, your CV, diplomas, and at least
2 referees to PD Dr. Marco Alves,

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